"I came for the day to get some shopping done," she says, smiling.

I look up, startled, when Fisher, one of Cash's old teammates from the Bruisers, appears behind her and places his hand on her lower back, smiling at me. What the—?

"Hey Quinn," he says and kisses Vaughn's cheek. I didn't know they were together. "How's it going? It's been a while."

I open my mouth to respond to Fisher when Vaughn interrupts, "What brings you to Santa Anna anyway?"

"Just visiting."

"Who?" she asks a little too quickly for my liking. 

But before I can respond, Fisher pipes up. "Hey, did you hear about Cash?"

For a beat, I'm panicked, but Vaughn doesn't look even a little surprised. Either she didn't hear Fisher or Aiden's already told her, and she knows exactly why I'm here. But if she knew, wouldn't she have told Lyndsey? And if she told Lyndsey, my phone would be ringing off the hook.  

"What about him?" I ask, playing along. "Did something happen?"

"Yeah, I heard he was injured," he says, and he looks like he genuinely is concerned and not trying to break me.

When I look over at Vaughn, she's watching me like a hawk, her eyes narrowed and lips in a fine line.

"He took a big hit at a Boston game," Fisher explains, "and he has a bad concussion. I've tried reaching out to him, but nothing. Cash has always been that elusive, secretive type, but I don't know. You probably haven't talked to him since that night anyway."

The way he refers to that night makes my stomach turn. The memory of pounding into Cash's penthouse to find him drunk and high with some tramp and having Fisher and Louis drag me out with a fight replays in my mind. How could I ever forget?

"Regardless, I'm sure Cash is doing fine and will return on the ice quickly." Great. Now, I sound like I know something. Vaughn gives me a questioning glance. "At least that's what I would assume."

Vaughn frowns. "Quinn doesn't want to hear hockey talk, Fisher. And you're right.  She and Cash aren't together anymore. She's dating our friend Aiden, right Quinn?"

I feel like Vaughn is toying with me, and I wouldn't say I like it. "I wouldn't put a label on it." I started slowly, keeping it about anything other than Cash. "But, hey, I didn't know you two were together?"

Fisher winks. "Yeah, but I wouldn't put a label on it."

Vaughn frowns and smacks him in the arm.

"Miss? Your tea is ready," the purple-haired girl calls from behind me.

I turn around and take my take-out cup from her. "Well, it was nice to see you. But, I better get going."

Vaughn studies me, running her finger under her lower lip. "Hey, if you'll be in Santa Anna for another night, we should meet later."

"I have plans," I lie, feeling my face heat.

"With your dad?" she asks, laughing. "I mean, who else would you have plans with?"

I tilt my gaze to Fisher, still standing obliviously beside Vaughn. "Well," I say and sip my tea, "like I said, I already have plans. And even though I would love to meet up with you two and be your third wheel, I wouldn't want to impose."

"You wouldn't be imposing," Vaughn insists.

Fisher scowls. "Geez, Vaughn. If she has plans, she has plans. Why are you being so pushy?"

Playing for Real - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now