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T R E E C H— and Gelly skipped happilly around the district, unbothered by what had happend a few days earlier, though Treech had never let Gelly near his house again, in fear that his uncle Mark would go ravid again, and try to attack her. It was better safe than sorry, atleast thats what he kept telling himself, but in all honesty he wanted to introduce her to his family, have him meet his mother, and his little siblings, who he was sure she would absoultly adore. Instead Treech held her hand as they walked gleefully around the district.

"Come on, I promised Hilton, I'd drop some lunch off to him." Treech told her, pulling her forward, "hes at work with a few of his friends."

Gelly nodded, not minding the sudden detour, since they had already been heading in that direction and she was sure Treech would want to say hi to people.

Hilton stood with a smile group of boys, cutting up big logs into smaller logs. They're laughs echoed through the trees, joking and teasing with eachother, but what cuaght her attention was the boy next to Hilton, he stood tall, with striking blonde hair, that had a slight curl to it, his hands gripping onto an axe unsteadidly, and he had a scar trailing up from the bottom of his elbow. A scar? She frowned, looking at the boy with deeper regonizition.

"Hilton!" Treech called out, making a few of the boys heads snap around.

Gelly felt her heart stop beating, as she froze in her step, making Treech stop aswell, sending a worried look back to her.

"Whats wrong, Ly?"

Gelly locked eyes with the blonde boy from before, but she knew him more than she origanally thought. She should have known, espeically with that scar, where she knew exactly where it came from.

The boy's eyes widened, dropping his log on the table, discarding anything he had been working on. He blinked in suprised, scanning over the girl. "Gelly?" He called out.

Gelly immediatlly swivvled around, dropping treech's hand in the process and taking long strides to get as far away from the boys as she possible could.

"Wait, Gelly!" He called again, his voice closer now, and she whipped around, coming face to face with him. He had barely changed, he still had that soft look in his eyes, that made anyone fall into a trance, but he had matured, and if Arachne was still around, it would probally send her spiraling.

"Geo." She said harshly, her eyes boring into his tensly.

Geo swallowed harshly infront of her, like he had forgotten what he was going to say, if he had anything at all.

"You two know eachother?" Treech asked, glancing between the two, it was then he noticed the similarities between them, something that was impossible to ignore. Geo was much taller, and he towered over her, he was more buff too, probally from the work he had been accustomed to in his new district.

"No, I dont think we do."  Gelly crossed her arms over her chest, "come on, Treech."

Treech had never seen Gelly so terryfying before, a new emotion spreading across her face, it wasnt sad or emotional, no— she was angry, taking in a deep breath, she went to turn around again, but Geo grabbed onto her arm, pulling her back around.

"Dont do that." Said Geo.

"Do what?" She tilted her head innocently, but it was far from peacefull, "leave you like you left me?"

"I didnt have a choice." He said lowly, glancing back to his friends.

"Theres always a choice." She shoved his hands off her, and tried to pull Treech away from the group, but he wouldnt budge.

"Wait, come on gels!" Geo attempted, "You cant be like this."

Gelly suddenlly pushed Geo back, making him stumble unexpectadly from the sudden force, "are you kidding me! I have every right to be like this, you abandoned us."

"I didnt mean to, if I could've taken you with me, I wouldve." Geo told her, but Gelly on shook her head.

"Too late now." She said to him, "If I could forgive you, I would."

"What?" Geo frowned, his face furrowing.

Gelly bit the side of her cheek, "You knew what you were doing when you left, and you think you can just waltz back into my life, into Gaius—"

Gelly cut off suddenly, shifting on her feet, her jaw clenched, as she remembered Gaius was gone, the feeling of his absense hitting her all over again. When she was with treech it was like she had forgotten, becuase he filled his place, fufilling the comfort and love she so desperatly needed, but Gaius would have left the scene a long time ago, sure he would never have gone without smacking Geo in the face.

Treech's eyes softened at her, and she took in a deep breath, and looked back towards Geo.

"I wont forgive you." She told him.

"What will it take?"

"Get Gaius to forgive you." She didnt say anything else, only storming off, and she halfway expected treech to follow her, but he hadnt, still frozen in his place.

"That should be easy right?" Geo turned to his friends, but Treech shook his head.

"Gaius is dead, Geo."

GEOOOOOO IS HERE, for once in his life 😒, but is he here to stay? Hopefully not! Jk jk
Hope u enjoyed this chapter!

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