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G E L L Y— had returned to the zoo, late that night, choosing to stay with, Gaius instead of going to school. He needed her, and she couldnt leave him
In such a moment of desperation, so she stayed by his side, for almost the whole day, untill nightfall when he had selflessly told her to go feed their tributes. She had tried to argue, but he could see how much she wanted to see Treech—

"Treech?" she called softly, and the boy appeared almost imediatly, rushing towards the bars.

"Ly." He breathed out, signing in relief, scanning her over worriedly, "I didnt see you this morning, so I thought something might have happened to you." Something had happend, and he knew it, her eyes were sunken in, and she looked tired, as if she hadnt gotten any sleep, the whole night, her cheeks had fresh tears on them, and they were stained more than normal. Her nose was tinted a delicate red, snd she sniffled in the cold. He noticed the way her hands had a few marks on blood on them, but it was moistly dried up, but overall she seemed unhurt, a little shaken up, thats for sure, but she was okay, she would live. "Gelly." His voice was almost begging her to look up at him.

She sniffled, her eyes meeting his, tears beggining to flow again, "Im fine, nothing happend to me." She told him, but it did little to reassure him, espeically as Gelly began to spill everything, confessing every little detail of what had happend behind close doors, whenever she went home. She told him what had happend the night before, how Gaius had almost died, and she told him what had happend to her friend Leto, her voice broke as she explained it, and after just the few words, Treech had reached out to her, holding her against the bars in his arms, wrapping his jacket around her shivering body. His finger rubbed up and down her shoulder, sending just a few moments of peace as she broke down.

Leto's death had been her fault, only a few years ago. When they were fourteen, they had snuck into a old war house, not knowing that if they stepped the wrong way, the whole house would be set up in flames. Gelly had made it out, but Leto didnt, and just the shot of it made Gelly feel guilty, the guilt trailing her her skin, every moment of the day, it walked with her.

"I didnt know—" Treech told her, "im so sorry, Ly."

"Nobody knew." She shook her head sadly, and Treech leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"Hes never going to hurt you again, Ly." He reassured her, "I'll make sure of it."

"You cant prevent anything." She said, lowly.

"I'll bring you back to seven with me, if I have to." He told her, pressing his lips to her head, for a comforting kiss, "im going to get you far away from this place, I promise, im getting you out of here."

Gelly nodded against him, finnally feeling that sense of comfort she had always desperatly searching for, it had always been within Treech. Even if it was just for a few slim moments, he brought her peace, like the world around them wasnt blazing. 

"Ive got you, ly." He said to her, his breath tickling her soft skin, "im not ever going to let you go."

Gelly didnt know how long the pair just sat their, on the cold stone, just in eachothers arms, as he comforted her, without a second though, and for a moment it made Treech forget that he was the one being sent to his death, not her, but he couldnt bare to think of it while she was like this, not while he was making so many promises to her to keep her safe, even though he knew he couldnt, as soon as he was sent to that arena they're would be no escaping, he would lay there for the rest of his life, he would die there.

But he'd do it, thinking of her, thinking if her voice, and her smile, that'd he'd probally only see once in his life, but it was enough to send him into a lifelong of happiness.

Gelly returned to the old house, almost an hour an half later, and when she walked into the house, Gaius and Aetius gave her a knowing look

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Gelly returned to the old house, almost an hour an half later, and when she walked into the house, Gaius and Aetius gave her a knowing look.

"Hows lover boy?" Asked Gaius, his leg still propped up on the chair.

Gelly rolled her eyes, "shut it, wont you?"

"Dont think I will." He teased, "I saw you smiling with him yesterday." He pointed at her accusingly.

"I dont know what your talking about." She shook her head, sitting down at the table next to them.

"Oh, I think I do." He laughed, "You got a crush, Gelly?"

"No!" She said too quickly, making the two boys tease her further.

"She so does!"

"Our little Gelly has a crush!"

"Oh loverboy!"

"Dont you just want to give him a little kiss."

Gelly shook her head at the two boys antics, rolling her eyes, "I do not want to kiss him."

"Sure." Gaius gave her a another knowing look, like the first one wasnt enough. Aetius started making fake kissing noises beside him, earning a hard slap on the shoulder.

"Your both so annoying."

"Oh you love us."

"No, she loves Treech." Both the boys started cackling to eachother, unable to contain their endless laughter, as it echoed around the house.

"Shove off both of you." She managed a small smile, at their jokes, and both of them shot up.

"Shes smiling for treech!"

"Oh my god, woman. Hes changing you!"

"All hail Glorious Treech! Wont you give him a thank you kiss for us!"

"You wish!" She called back to the boys, crashing on the couch, but that didnt end theyr'e taunting.

"Oh, I think she wants to do more than kiss him." Aetius suggested. "I bet she wishes she lives in Distrixt seven."

"Wouldnt you like the Gelly? Living with your lover boy." Both of them giggled, slapping eachother on the shoulder, they thought they were so funny.

"If it gets me far away from you two, then yes." She sighed, throwing a pillow over her eyes, so she was able to sleep.

"Dont dream about him too much, Gelly."


NEW CHAPTER!! I love how they're teasing her even when Gaius is like in pain, and the fact that Treech is always there for her, is adorable ngl

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