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B Y — the end of the night, all the mentors had gone home, tired from the earlier events of the games. Everyone was eager to go home, and called it a night, around thirty minutes ago, but Gelly didnt move, afraid that in the middle of the night, something would happen to Treech, or that when she returned the next morning, he'd be gone. Only her and Coriolanus sat in the room, not bothering to talk to eachother, both Tense and still, eyes glued to the screen. Everynow and then, Gelly would spare him a quick glance, before her eyes went back to the screen, thought nothing happend, expect for Lamina's mercy kill, and she now sat on the pillar where Marcus used to be strung on.

"Mr snow." Dr Gauls voice rang out in the dark room, making both the mentors head snaps around, "Oh and Miss Hiroska. Do you mind waiting outside while I have a word with him?"

Gelly nodded, not having enough strength to argue with the terryfing woman, removing herself from the seat, for the first time in hours, and leaned against the piller outside.

Coriolanus rushed outside, panicky, just a few moment later.

"Coryo? What happend?" Gelly frowned, scanning over him with concern.

"Nothing Gelly." He shook his head, shoving past her harshly, making her stumble back, but she wouldnt take that as an answer, and latched onto his arm, pulling him back.

"No, what is it?"

Coriolanus let out a sigh, not having enough time to go back and forth with her, it was better to just be honest, "Its Sejanus, hes snuck into the arena and Dr Gaul wants me to go get him."

Gelly froze, not believing his words for a moment, before she straightened herself up, "then let me come with you."

Coriolanus shook his head, "no, its not safe."

"I know." She said, "but I want to help."

"You'll only be deadweight." He said harshly.

Gelly blinked in suprise, "im not giving you a choice, im coming with."

Coriolanus groaned, but didnt bother agruing any further, walking off towards the arena gates.

It didnt take them long to arrive, and the closer they got, the more afriad the pair became. Did they know what they were getting themseleves into? The answer was no, they didnt. They knew the risks, but Gelly was willing to take it for Sejanus, after all she had nothing left to loose, she had lost everyone she loved.

Coriolanus, talked quietly with one of the peacekeepers, so quietly, that Gelly was unable to hear what they were mumbling about, then Coriolanus grabbed onto Gelly's arms, pulling her past the gate, his grip so tight it made her arm go numb, suddenly the blonde boy stopped, pushing himslef infront of her.

"Stay here, I'll get Sejanus, so you can alert the gaurds if we need help." Gelly knew it was only an exuse, so she wouldnet go further into the arena, the red light illuminating both of them, just like it showcased over Treech, a few days ago. Even if he wanted nothing to do with her, she couldnt help thinking about him, would she see him in the arena?  She nodded to the boy infront of her, shying back, watching him as he stepped foreward, pushing through the turnsiles.

"Welcome to the show!"

The voice screeched, why wouldnt he have jumped over them? Both of them flinched back, any sudden movement would alert the nearbye tributes. Coriolanus approached Sejanus, placing his hand on his shoulder, and they began talking. They're voices raising riskily high, like they were unafriad of the nearbye tributes willing to harm them.

Gelly glanced around the arena, and she noticed Lamina, who was now awoken by the commotion, and watching the noisy boys. She stood on the pillar, axe in hand. If lamina had heard them, who else could have?

The pair were taking their time, debating over something, it must've taken atleast ten minutes before Sejanus stood up with the help of coriolanus, but it was too late, Bobbin the boy from eight emerged from his hiding place, sword in hand, rushing after the two boys, who began running away from him in fear.

"Gelly go!" Sejanus screamed, but she was frozen in her spot, waiting for the two of them to arrive safetly to the passageway, before she even dared move. She wouldnt leave without them, she could never live with herself.

Sejanus jumped over the turnsile, his leg getting cuaght and plopping forward into the dirt, right infront of Gelly. He screamed out in pain, and Gelly grabbed onto him, trying to pull him up, but he was too heavy, and Sejanus had to forcefully push himself off the ground to help her.

Coriolanus had rushed forward, grabbing some of the rubble, and began repeatedly beating Bobbin in the head, beyond regonizition. He was already gone— Coriolanus could have just left it at that, but no, he didnt stop, not after Bobbin was unconscious. Gelly's eyes widened at the sight, looking at Coriolanus with fear, stumbling back away from him.

"Lets go!" Coriolanus ushered them, dropping the rubble to the side, and pulling the pair forward, but Gelly flinched away from his touch.

Loud rushing feet padded behind them, rushing forward. It was the pack, and Gelly knew that meant Treech, but with Coriolanus rushing them forward, she couldnt spare to look back, if she had, she'd probally never have kept going, too entraced by the young boy just to leave him.

Gelly slid underneath the gate, popping up on the otherside, eyes wide. Her heart pounded against her chest, as Coral stuck her Trident through the gate. "Watch the screens, gorgeouse. Your little songbirds next!"

Coriolanus glared at her, like he was up to something, and Gelly made a sudden relization that he was. Coriolanus was always up to something, He'd do anything to put himself on top, to save himself. She had seen him back at the Zoo, giving Lucy gray something, but she didnt know what.

"Gelly?" A confused voice called out; it was Treech, and Gelly's head snapped towards him, rushing forward to the gates, her hands gripping the bars. Treech reached out towards her, covering her small hands with his own, "what are you doing here? Its not safe—"

"I had to get Sejanus." She explained, "I couldnt just leave him."

Treech frowned at her, scanning over her face, "are you hurt? Did anyone?"

"No." She shook her head, "Im fine, Treech."

He nodded uncomfortable, "Im really sorry, Ly. For everything."

"Dont be." She told him, she could never blame him for wanting to survive.

"No, I mean it this time." He reached towards his neck, pulling off the blue fabric he had tied around, "If you still want this— if you still want me, after the games, come find me." He gave her the blue fabric, closing her fist around it.

"I cant take this—"

"Im letting you borrow it." He explained, "give it back, when I see you again."

Gelly nodded, a deep frown etched upon her lips, "Stay safe, Treech."

"Always." He told her, "im getting out of here, for you."

"Ill hold you to that."

"You better." He smiled softly, looking at her with admirtation before Coral and Mizzen pulled him away from the bars eagerly, but that still didnt stop him from calling out to her, even as she was walking away, "Ill see you soon, ly. I promise! I lov—" he was cut off before he could finish what he was going to say, and Gelly was whisked away, shocked at what she was beginning to hear.

Her hand still clasped against the soft blue fabric, that was Treech's. She would never let go of it, not aslong as she lived.

Fun fact while writing this, I forgot Gelly's last name, and was too lazy to look back... so I honestly have no clue if its right— butttt Treech interaction in this chapter, I think its rlly sweet he gave her a lil memory of him. The blue bandana... I actually dont know what its called, so ive been calling it; fabric, tie, fabric... yeaaaah thats all

C R Y B A B Y | Treech |Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora