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D I S T R I C T— seven, honestly was not expecting anyone to get off the capital train from the games. . . Hopes were slim, and moods were glummy, as the train pulled in, they couldnt help but think it would move past them, onto the next district, both Lamina and Treech's life gone, but then the train slowed to a stop, pausing infront of the silent district Seven. Peacekeepers banged on the doors, alerting anyone inside before they pulled open the doors. At first no one appeared, and the civilians were beggining to think it was just some sick joke.

Treech's tall figure came into view, his messy curls poking off his head, and the District let out a sudden gasp. Treech seemed overwhelmed, only staring at the district emptily, his hand resting on the bars, before the peackeepers yanked him forward, out of the train, "Watch it." Treech grumbled, but he didnt bother fighting back, since his eyed laid on his family, frozen in the crowd of people. Treech knew they didnt expect him to come home, it was almost impossible, but here he was. Treech wiped his nose, shuffling foreward, and for a moment he thought his family was going to run away from him, but they didnt, rushing forward instead, into his arms.

His mother cried into his chest, full blown sobs, but Treech could only rub her back akwardly. Treech felt as if he didnt belong anymore, even though the whole time he was away, he was yearning to return to his mothers, soft delicate voice, but now that he was here, he felt like something was missing.

She should be the one comforting him, but yet here Treech was, mumbling soft 'its okay, im okay' into her ear, even though he wasnt okay, he was far from it, but it was something his family would never understand. Treech stared forward to his siblings, who were crying aswell, and Treech seemed to be the only one not crying in the district, he kept himself strong, pulling away from his mother, and leading her to her siblings. He sighed stepping away, as he took something out of his coat pocket, it was a pokadotted headband; laminas. He scanned the crowd, spotting the old man quickly, stepping towards him, but he wouldnt meet his eyes, if he did, he would end up sobbing on his knees, begging him to forgive him for what he had done in the arena. He oustretched his hand to the man, holding out the headband.

"Im sorry, im really sorry." He told him, his head bowed, "I thought she'd want you to have this."

The old man bit back sobs and pulled Treech in by his oustrecthed hand, holding him in his arms. Treech was suprised by the sudden comfort, he wasnt expecting it.

"Thank you." The man mumbled, gripping onto Treech's dirty Jacket.

Treech swallowed harshly as he tried his best not to cry, stepping away from the man and back towards his family.

Treech stared sadly, glancing around at the district, "can we go home?" He whispered, feeling uneasy underall the watchfull eyes, and the congratulations. It was the over obsessive pats on the back that got him, the cheering, like he had done something honorable. He hadnt, far from it. Treech had blood on his hands, and that was something he'd never be able to wipe off.

After the welcoming Treech began to settle back into his normal life. . . Well, the best he could with the games weighing on him so drastically, he felt empty, ashamed for what he had done. He was always fidgeting, hyper aware of everything around him, and for occasions he felt like he was back in the arena. He was more snappy than normal, his anger issues that he had worked to control before the games, were back, worse than ever, and he often even yelled at his younger siblings, even though they did nothing wrong. He couldnt control it, he didnt know what was wrong with him, but there was something.

And there was another thing, constantly on Treech's mind— Gelly. That sweet innocent girl, her smile was engraved in his brain, something that he could never forget, her laugh music to his ears, something he yearned to hear again, to bring peace to him, and her luchoise blonde hair, he just wanted to see it again, feel it in his fingers. Nobody in Seven had blonde hair like that, and even if they did. . . They werent her. Treech couldnt get enough of her, but he had let her slip between his fingers, and lost her. He didnt know when he would see her again, but he kept hope, that one day she'd show up on his doorstep, to return that blue tie he wore around his neck.

"Earth to Treech?" His friend Axel, waved a hand to his face, making him flinch back, "Sorry— did you hear what I was saying?"

"What?" Treech swallowed confused, and Axel rolled his eyes.

"What are you gonna say to Lindel?"

Treech frowned, "who's that again?"

Axel groaned, like he couldnt understand why Treech was so distant, but he was trying, which was more than anyone else in the district, "The girl whos always talking about you? She wants to go on a date?"

"Oh—" Treech shook his head, "Tell her No."

Axel froze, his mouth gaped at Treech, "what no! Im not going to do that, shes litterally the hottest girl ever!"

"Not to me." Treech said softly, thinking of a small girl in particular.

"You got your mind on someone else?" Axel raised an eyebrow.

Treech didnt even think about his answer before he blurted it out, "Yeah."

Axel jumped up, "who? Is it Maple? Or Page?"

"No, shes not here."

Axel frowned, "what are you talking about?"

Treech paused what he was doing, setting down the last peice of wood he had been piling. "Shes in the capital."

Axel's face remained Seriouse before he bursted out laughing, slapping Treech on the back, "Funny Man, but seriously who is she?"

Treech's face didnt waver.

"Oh, you werent joking?" Treech only sighed, beggining to walk off, but Axel persistantly chased after him. "Look, im sorry! But how the hell do you expect me to believe that?"

Treech didnt halt in his step, still taking long strides forward, back to his house, "I dont know, believe it?"

"Not that easy, a capital girl?"

"Yup." Treech nodded.

"Your kidding?"

"Im not." Treech froze in his step, his house barely in view, "She'll come back to me— eventually."

Axel raised another eyebrow, suspiciously. "Yeah? And what if she doesent."

Treech shrugged, "She will."

TREECH IS HOME— not axel not beliving him, he thinks hes going insane lmao. But Treech saving laminas headband 😩
New chapter will be out tommorow!
Thanks for all the support

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