- Fine, let's go. 


We walked side by side in silence. The street lamps illuminated the street and the air was filled with the smell of rain. The streets of Konoha at night are beautiful but dangerous. I was annoyed by the fact that Sumire often returns alone at such an hour, she should at least find someone to walk with at least halfway - isn't she aware of the danger she may face? Damn, why am I even thinking about this? I lost myself in thought, I don't like small talk. 

After a long moment of not speaking to each other, she said: 

- Kawaki-kun, I'm so sorry but I have to buy some thing from the market. I wish you a peaceful return home. 

She lowered her head and turned around - walking in the opposite direction from me. I stopped for a moment and turned my head towards her. Without much thought, I followed her.  A minute later she realized that I didn't let her go.

- Kawaki-kun? - Sumire looked at me with suprise.

- I'll go with you. 

- Why? If you need something..- 

- Shut up, I'll go with you anyway. 

- O-okay. 

For a moment I thought she was smiling, but I must have imagined it. I just continued to follow her, for some reason staring at her two braids that were blowing gently in the wind. Unlike all the fake faces, she remained herself even after the memories were swapped. Sometimes I feel like she knows the dirty truth, but it's impossible. How the hell would she find out? Still, I can only speculate on some things. She's not stupid, that's why Amado made her his sidekick. 

We walked for about 15 minutes and finally stopped at the supermarket. This is the only store that is open 24 hours, so we had no other option. We went inside, and to my surprise, there were more people there than I thought there would be at 11 p.m. Since I'm here, I'll grab something for myself too. Sumire took the shopping cart in her hands and looked at me with a calm expression on her face. 

- If you need anything, I can pay for you. 

I was surprised by her answer, why would she do that? Besides, I have my own money anyway. 

- Wtf no, just buy what you need and stop caring too much about me. 

Her face seemed to get sudden, fuck - why does she always do this? By the way, I followed her all over the store. I watched her every move. She didn't seem to mind my company at all, which for some reason gave me a strange feeling of contentment. It's terribly uncomfortable to admit, but over the course of those four years, I grew to enjoy her company. From the moment I met her, she was calm and kind. I've never heard anything bad about me from her, which is very surprising. People really like to find bad qualities in myself.

- What would you like for dinner tomorrow?

- What? - I asked, because she broke me out of my trance.

- Kawaki-kun, what would you like to eat for dinner tomorrow?

She looked into my eyes with a smile, clearly unconcerned by my displeased expression.

- Uhh, just choose anything.

- But I asked you to choose, maybe your favorite dish?

- I don't have one.

- Really? Oh, but there must be something what would you like to eat. Think about it, I'll go get some washing powder and dishwashing liquid.

- Ok, fine.

Unexpected Love [Kawasumi]Where stories live. Discover now