The Price

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It's been three months and a day since Itsumo stole him from his own grave and honestly? He couldn't be more thankful for his unique friend. The atmosphere around the girl was always cheerful and lively, it served as a welcome distraction as he worked on his new found abilities. You see, unfortunately, coming back from death has a price. Fortunately for Izuku, his price wasn't too steep, just newfound abilities that he had absolutely no idea to control. If you ask Itsumo however, being turned into a being not of this world was a steep price.

Another part of that price included Izuku having to take a vow to never reveal his old identity, meaning absolutely no one could ever know he once was Izuku Midoriya. Including Bakugou and Shinsou, Aizawa, Hizashi, and Nezu. That was alright though, he understood why.

The last three months had been busy ones. Izuku has mainly been focused on redecorating his entire building so that no evidence of Izuku Midoriya, Nequam, or Vasilisa, ever existed there. It also held a lot of speech therapy and training of his new abilities. He was proud of himself though, he kept the building layout the same but now the entire thing looked like it belonged inside of some sort of rave instead of just the basement. The entire building was decorated with bright colors, glowing paint on some walls, and the cafe still had its signature checkered floors that he loved too much to ditch. He had even improved apon his speech! Now, unless his emotions were high, he could mostly speak like a normal person would! That definitely was his proudest accomplishment.

"Soooo! Got any plans up in that brain of yours?" Itsumo asks as she lazes around in a beanbag in the basement.

Izuku nods. "Yes, I need to forge myself some new documents."

Itsumo huffs. "You know I could just mind fuck them right?"

Izuku sighs. "I'm not letting you go around and mind fuck the whole world now quit it." He flicks at her nose gently, making her face scrunch.

"Ughhhh!! Take away all my fun why don't you!!" Itsumo groans, crossing her arms.

Izuku nods. "That's part of my plan yes." He laughs before scouring the internet for name ideas. He wanted to make it a puzzle of sorts, one he knew Nezu would be able to solve. As he browsed he thought of the steps he'd need to take. First he'd need to re-establish a vigilante persona as there was no way in all hell that he was gonna be a civilian still. Secondly he'd have to find some way to get himself and Itsumo into U.A, maybe during the fair that was coming up. Thirdly, he'd need to lay out all of his clues for Nezu, there was no way in hell is was going to live this life again without his father by his side. After all, the vow didn't say that he couldn't leave hints. Izuku's eyes lit up as he stared at the screen in front of him.

"Found one?" Itsumo asks, tilting her head slightly to the side.

Izuku nods. "Yui Fumetsu, meaning reborn and undying respectively."

Itsumo nods. "I like it. It suits you." She smirks before getting up. "Come on then, we've gotta get this Yui Fumetsu designed."

Izuku groans at her wording but nods. "Alright, I'll grab my supplies from upstairs. We can put on some music and get to work?"

Itsumo beams. "Yeah! Sounds great!" She turns from the greenette and skips up the stairs, already having ideas in mind for Izuku's new appearance.

Izuku shakes his head at the girls antics. You'd think three years was enough time to get used to her but it definitely wasn't. His mind ran through the possibilities as he walked up those hot pink stairs. His hair flickered with color as he walked, his mind too preoccupied to feign control. He felt the tingle on his scalp every time it shifted, he ignored it, letting his hair change as he was home alone with Itsumo so it was okay.

"Uhm, Yui-?!" Itsumo called from upstairs.

Izuku found it odd the girl was using his new name already but shrugged it off. "Yes Itsumo?!" He called back as he opened the door which newly led into a small hallway closet. Did I mention they did some remodeling? Well yeah, they did.

He was shocked to open the closet door and find a certain black haired hero sitting on the ledge of his fire escape. "Oh-" Out of the corner of his eye he saw (and felt) his hair shift to an electric blue, the color it gave off whenever he was startled.

"Yeah-" Itsumo shrugs, plopping down on the couch. Aizawa sighs. "I didn't know this building had new occupants. I apologize, I'll be leaving now-"

Yui quickly shakes his head. "N- no no-! It's alright! You look ungodly tired anyway, come take a rest.. I'm sure you've got a reason for breaking and entering." He laughs breathlessly.

Aizawa nods. "I can't believe I didn't know the kids apartment had been sold... That's what I get for being away for so long I suppose.." He sighs. "I really don't mean to intrude-"

Yui shakes his head. "It's alright. Really. Itsumo would you mind grabbing him some coffee? They're should be some freshly brewed for tonight right?"

Itsumo nods before getting up and heading into the kitchen without a fuss.

Yui smiles as he walks into the living room, sitting close to the tired hero. "So what brings you here?"

Aizawa tenses a little. "A.. friend of mine used to live here.. he cherished this place." He chuckles lightly. "He was.. a smart kid. He passed a few years ago.. occasionally after a rough night I'd come here and just talk... It was nice to pretend he was here, listening, watching, being as observant as he always was. I.. was gone for awhile.. business you could say." He sighs gently. "I wasn't aware anyone had came to own this building after his death-"

Yui shakes his head. "Don't worry about it, mistakes happen." He smiles. His hair was still as blue as before but he was calmer now. The slight glowing effect this color had seemed to make Aizawa more... Docile then normal hence why it was kept. Yui smiles as he seems Aizawa looking at his hair with interest.

"He's such a cat."

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 05 ⏰

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