Top: Sannoh Rengokai

Top: Sannoh Rengokai

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- Fighting
- Smarts
- Loyalty
- Passion
- Heart


- Arguments
- Anger

Allies: Cobra, Yamato, Noboru (twin brother), Naomi, Rude Boys, Smoky, Lala, Sarah, Eri, Hyuga

Enemies: Doubt, Mighty Warriors, Kuryu Group, Casino Project

Likes: Fighting, girls, traveling, food, his motorcycle, Rude Boys

Tolerates: Daruma Ikka, Oya High School, White Rascals

Hates: Doubt, Mighty Warriors, the nine foreign mafias, Kuryu Group


Girlfriend: Lala (of Rude Boys)

Girlfriend: Lala (of Rude Boys)

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Since we met the Kuryu Group, we didn't know what we were getting ourselves into.

All I know is that our gangs' homes were being infiltrated and destroyed to where Kuryu was willing to do whatever it took to kill SWORD District and let the Casino Project destroy everything we had growing up.

I wasn't gonna let them take it because I have a relationship with all of SWORD at this point, and what they plan on doing for this place, MY HOME in fact, is just sick and evil.

However, we managed to fire the fist shot by having Kuryu show up where we were, but we lured them into a trap, but before we did that, Dan and the rest of his friends had told us that they were quitting Hoodlum Squad after we brought the fight to Doubt and the others.

That really pissed me off because at this point, I'm just done with those cowards. They suck my dick all they want because I'm not gonna have it anymore.

Instead of letting them talk down on us, I had to punch Dan and start a fight with him, even if I'm hurt with a knee injury. I don't care if I'm hurt because I was taught growing up that if my knee's injured or my cock falls off, I keep going.

I don't back down from anything and I certainly don't have to for anything, especially with Kuryu wanting to take our home.

Anyway, soon after we fired the first shot by taking down a small band of Kuryu Group members before I was given a call from Takeshi, telling me that they're gonna need me.

So I got to Nameless City, but what is gonna happen will make me lose my sanity forever.

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