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The next morning, it was Taehyung who woke up first, after he had a quick shower, he went to kitchen, obviously to prepare special breakfast for bunny. As it was older who cooked all the time, and if it was Taehyung something definitely might happen or he just was in a good mood.

He woke up earlier to cook something special for bunny, and he knew what he likes. He knew the single receipt of cookies that his mother taught him to bake. He prepared the dough and made forms of Bunnies*, Hearts*, Smiles* and so on. He also managed to order a Gift to be delivered.

He set the table, he made coffee for older, poured a tea for himself, his ready cookies put in the middle of a table on the heart shaped plate.

Moreover, he did the range of toasts with different fillings; fruits, meaty and else. He put all them on the table, before going upstairs to look to bunny.

 He put all them on the table, before going upstairs to look to bunny

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(Toast Tae made to Jungkook, y'all

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(Toast Tae made to Jungkook, y'all. I want some😭🥹)


He knocked to his room, it was the time when Jungkook usually gets up, and make breakfast for them, so Tae knowing it settled everything on time, to be sure that everything is ready before older wakes up.

He didn't get response, as he knocked again, voicing to the other side "Jungkooook..". He wanted to open the door, but he stopped when he heard as how other opened the door. He slightly pushed the door,
"May I come in?" he only got silence, and entered his bedroom.

Seeing other all ready in uniform, bag in his hands, made him halt.

"Good morning" he said, Jungkook didn't say anything just stared at him.

"If you have nothing to say, now I'm leaving" with that said, Jungkook made his way to the door where Tae was standing, not saying a word.

He followed older as they now were in the first floor. Tae hold Jungkook's wrist trying to stop him, as he said "Please, listen to me, I want apologize properly, I ... I made a breakfast, can we seat?" Jungkook looking at him with still angry eyes, but liked the idea of talking, he pushed away his hand which Tae kept holding, and nodded in reply.

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