Chapter 5

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Payal's life was an enigma.

She was the youngest daughter of the Rudranksh household. Yet, nothing was known about her birthmother. Some say she died, others say she disappeared. But it wasn't long before the servants who could even make up such stories dissappeared from the house.

In a large mansion, she felt all alone. Her father was always busy, while her mother didn't even exist. Time passed by, and the child with a delicate mindset grew up too. She was truly a lonely person. No parents, no friends. Even if she had siblings, she understood how they didn't want to be close to her.

But Payal found solace in something. It was her paintings. The canvasses, which could be filled with anything, all according to her wishes, or with nothing If she wanted to, gave her the freedom and the way to express that she always seeked. Even if it didn't convey any message, simply creating something gave her happiness, a sense of fulfillment. White or black, dull or bright, lights or shadows, everything was a part of her little universe.

Well, in regards to Payal's mother, she did come to know about her mother long ago. When she was a child to be exact.

Her mother was a mere maid of the Previous head. Entrusted with the duty to bring him meals if need be. Who knew she would do something so unthinkable? She drugged her Master and did the deed, all with an ill and greedy mind. When the time came, she revealed her pregnancy to the Master of the household. But what she desired for, the power, money and status, wasn't what she got back.

The moment Payal was born, the greedy woman was immediately thrown into a dark cell. She had realized then, about how great the mistake she had done. Even though it was an unspeakable act for a man, she had raped her master. And had lived in a fantasy like a foolish girl.

She had thought this person was just the same as others. But how greatly she had underestimated Arjun Singh Rudranksh!

The price of violation, shall be paid with death.

Arjun Singh Rudranksh was the lord of the powerful Rudranksh family. And his words, at that time, the law of that state.

Just like that, the woman had dissappeared from the face of the earth. And the daughter she birthed was taken to the Rudranksh residence to be raised as a legitimate child.

Nobody dared to question the child's birth. The one who did, were dealt with accordingly. Payal's birth just remained as another mistery in people's heart, just like all the other secrets that surrounded Arjun Singh Rudranksh.

But no matter what, one couldn't deny the fact that Payal had grown up without any type of love.

But when fate played it's cards, could the present always remain the same?

Payal distinctly remembered.

It was raining back then. The weather in the city being chilly and humid.

Payal had come out of her shelter(House), to seek inspiration. This was one of those rare times when Payal would take a stroll in the city to enhance her creativity. With a camera in her hand, and with the weather being awesome a few hours ago, with mixtures of wind and beautiful white cloudy sky, Payal had taken a lot of candid shots to capture the beautiful moments that caught her eyes. While mingling in the common folk areas, a thing that caught her eye, or you can say made her a bit sad, was the beautiful interaction between a mother and her small 5 year old child.

The child had been crying loudly, making a fuss, just to get a chocolate while his mother had come to take in some groceries. And with the child's demand, the mother had denied it. No matter what, the child had to learn that many things in life would not be attainable. And just like this chocolate, which was a bit out of budget for the struggling mother.
But a mother's unpredictable heart, could one always predict it?
One minute later, as the child stopped crying and sniffed when he got his long awaited chocolate, something cute happened.
The child, instead of eating the chocolate whole, broke it in 2 parts with his small chubby hands and passed the other part to his mother. You could clearly say that the mother was surprised, as her eyes were widened. But soon after, the mother's eyes got teary and she quickly kissed her son's chubby cheeks, enjoying her chocolate thereafter.

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