His eyes look me up and down, making me feel exposed despite the fact I'm completely dressed.

I roll my eyes, trying not to let his actions get to me. "You don't scare me, Dolion."

"Wanna bet on that? I can promise you've never had a man like me before." He smirks.

His confidence makes me wanna slap him right across the face, such fucking cockiness.

"How would you know what kind of men I've had?"

"You're so innocent it almost makes me feel bad." He laughs at me.

"Bullshit, you have no idea who I am or what I've been through. And trust me, I've had men bigger and better than you." I lie right through my teeth.

He raises a brow, simply grinning at me. "I could prove you wrong, you know."

"You wish, heatmead."

"Oh, Caterina, I'd bet on it." He says low, seductively.

My heart races in my chest as Dolion and I intently lock eyes, and for some reason it feels like it would be weak to be the first one to look away.

That is until his eyes dart down to my mouth, something that tells me his idea of breaking me has more to do with than just dragging me down to his level.

I quickly look away, checking out the motel, trying to distract myself. It doesn't look great, but also doesn't look roach infested. It'll do.

I hop in the passenger seat and pull down the visor that I know should have a mirror on it.

I smile as I pop open the little mirror, only for my smile to instantly die.

"Oh my God I look like hell."

"You look fine, come on we need to get checked in."

"I'm not being seen like this!"

"You look like you just woke up, what's wrong with that? A little bed head never hurt anyone. Women care too much about their looks."

"Easy for you to say when you wake up flawless." I shoot back at him.

A devious smile makes its way onto his face. "Flawless, you'd say?" He questions teasingly.

I run my fingers through my hair as I feel my face turn red before angrily getting out of Dolion's stupidly nice car, slamming the door closed.

I can't believe I just said that.

I walk towards the doors of the motel, feeling goofy in my blue sweater and Dolion's grey shorts.

He catches up to me quickly, a look of indifference on his face.

We walk into the lobby of the small motel, it's outdated but well kept.

"Hello! How can I help you?" I turn my head in the direction of a guy who looks about my age, and is down right cute as hell.

I open my mouth to greet him back, but Dolion's loud mouth beats me to it as he walks up to the desk. "We'll just be needing a room for the night." Dolion informs him.

I walk up beside him while he checks us in, feeling annoyed suddenly.

"That'll be one room?" The guy with a name tag reading 'Alec' asks.

"Mhm." Dolion replies, seeming uninterested and bored.

"One or two beds?"

"Two beds!" I say a little too quickly, earning me a glare from Dolion.

Like I care, be mad about it.

Alec gives Dolion the total, and he slips over a plain black credit card to pay for the amount.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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