Structure bones

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"I mean, at least we're protected from the wind?", Jake called out with a sarcasticly optimistic voice, gazing in the claffing hole which was hidden by a inpenetrable metal plate prior to Jake tearing it open.
"Sure are", Ellen said in a tone describing utter doubt. She was skeptic of this mission as a whole, yet Jake continuously told her it couldn't be that bad, so long in fact, she finally agreed. Hesitating to move, another icy breeze swept through the air. The frigid atmosphere painted both Ellen's and Jake's face into a scarlet hue of red. They observed the hole suspiciously, as though Jake began to question his decision as well. Similar to pushing him, Jake snapped awake from his trance-like state.

"Let's get going. I'm freezing", Jake muttered. He had both his feet dangeling down before Ellen could stop him. She grabbed his arm and violently tore him back, leaving wide trails in the snow. "Are you stupid? Who reassured you that you're not currently sitting on the edge of a kilometre deep hole? Get your feet out of there and... I don't know, at least throw a stone down!". Jake sighed exhausted and crawled back to his feet. The snow entashing with the uniform of him made a pattern, the pristine white snow contrasting beautifully with the black fabric. Ellen grunted annoyed as she kicked away a load of ice to reach the bare ground beneath. It was to no avail; the snow moving merely a few centimetres before coming to a halt. It felt like scraping the top of metal with a toothpick: unprofitable)

"Found something", Jake exclaimed towards Ellen not far away. Luckily for him, right before his foot was a rather big stone buried half-deep in the reflecting snow. He bowed down, grasping the cold stone and seizing it's weight. It was at least 10 centimetre in diameter and pretty heavy. "You really don't leave it up to luck, eh?", Ellen mocked with no note of seriousness to her voice, stopping her helpless scrapping of ice and pivoting around to face her companion. Her step sunk deep into the white, the cold audible at the breathless way she talks. Finally both reach the cement that surrounded the previously closed metal covering. Jake leaned over the black abyss, his hand shivering of cold and anticipation whilst the stone slid out of his hand and plummited down. It was silent for just a few seconds previous to a loud splash and a resounding thud)

"Could've jumped down there from the start", Jake lied, bobbing his head towards Ellen who doesn't seem convinced. "And then you'd explore the whole bunker with a broken leg," his partner beamed with a mockingly grateful voice, "great idea!". Jake merely sighed and held her his arm. She grabbed it tightly and knelt down, grabbing the edge of the bunker's entrance. Jake did not let go of Ellen's hand while he slowly put foot after foot down into the unkown black. Finally he hung with his hand solely on Ellen, who bowed down as far as possible without falling herself. Then, she let go. While Jake gathered velocity at a alarming rate, he could only hear Ellen's voice calling: "Good luck. Catch me once you're down".

Jake fell deep. Deeper than he'd anticipated. But suddenly there was hard ground beneath him. He slipped at the thin layer of water spreading as far across the cement floor as he could see. Trying to maintain balance he spun around, grabbing the next wall he could find, which just so happens to be right before him.
He pressed his underarm against the strangley soft wall, which felt more akin to rubber than cement. He felt uneasy, his hand quickly retracting and raising to his lamp attached to his belt.
His eyes widen in disgust as he saw what he considered to be a wall, was in fact a pile of long rotting meat and bones. "FUCK, THAT'S DISGUSTING!", He shouted in disbelieve. Jake surveyed his hand cautiously to see if it was now infested by this stuff.
Luckily, no.

He couldn't help but gaze at the mountain of flesh once again. Human skulls were visible in the reflection of Jake's flashlight, buried under so many kinds of worms and larves sprouting in the decaying meat, that you weren't able to idenetify if it was red or green. Jake's stomach protested palpable. Suddenly Ellens voice was heard throughout the darkness: "You better catch me!". Ripping Jake out of his apprehension, he rapidley fixated his eyes on the gap in the floor above. Everything was black but Ellen, who descended as a light-reflecting dot towards the floor with dangerous velocity. Quick to react, Jake dashed forward, able to sort of slide right to the position Ellen fell towards.
And, with a bit of luck, Ellen was safe and well in Jake's arms. He pushed her up, predicted to loose balance in the progress and drop like a stone, which, for the sake of his demeanor, did not happen.

"Ew, god", she scoffed at the sight of the pile of decay. Yet she doesn't seem detered. Almost as though Ellen didn't really care about it. Jake would have stared at her in utter disbelieve, if there wouldn't have been a... slight distraction...)

[If y'all liked this part, please consider voting, thank you :)
Love, Destiny <3]

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