Chapter 14 - Pronounce Wife and Wife

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Kade call the sales woman and asked to bring off shoulder gown in off white color.

Mon put the dress, Yuki and Kade are helping her, when they finished, they smile, let Mon looked at full size mirror.

"Woow" Mon said under her breathe. The gown carry her body perfectly. It's like it make for her only.

"Mon that's perfect for you" Kade said

"Yes Mon, you looked so beautiful in it" Yuki said
"Uhmm I like it too"

"Sam will be death to see you in that dress" Kade smile, Mon looked again at the mirror, she think it will be her wedding dress.

Mr Anantrakul booked a grand hotel for the wedding ceremony.

Before wedding day, Mon stayed at Yuki's place, Sam and her daughter at the Mansion for the night.
They will see each other at wedding ceremony.

On the morning of wedding day, Sam looked at her sleeping daughter, smile came on her face, today Mon will be officially hers and vice versa.

They will be wives to each other, Mon will take her name, that automatically Little Sam will be Anantrakul. From the start Little Sam is Anantrakul but today it will be official. It will be on paper.

Sam wake up her daughter and ready for the most memorable day of her life.
They will go directly to the hotel and will met Mon there.

Meanwhile, At Yuki place, Mon already wake up, pacing in the hall.
Yuki came out of bathroom and asked

"Mon what happened?"
"Yuki, I don't know, my heart beat so fast"
"Hey calm down" Yuki bring her and made sit on the couch
"Tell me what is it?"
"I don't know, Yuki do I deserved all this"
"Yuki I have nothing, what can I offer to her, she is giving me everything"

Yuki smile and pinch Mon cheek
"You have everything Mon, anyone will be lucky to be with you, you gave happiness, love to her.
Khun Sam is so lucky to have you, Mon. I know you two love each other, even I threaten her first, I like her. She is taking care of you and our little angel in best way" Yuki said, Mon is smiling, so she continued

"Mon, don't think unnecessary thought, today is your wedding day, you should smile all the time. And you deserved every happiness in this world and I know Khun Sam will give you that"

"Thank you" Mon hugged her best friend.
"No need to thank me, but anyway welcome my friend. I love you"
"I love you too"

After that they are ready to go to the wedding's venue.
Tee will come to bring them there.

Sam is standing at the end of the aisle, she opened her straight hair. She is tapping her foot, try to calm her skyrocketing heart beats.
She doesn't know why her body is shaking, she did breathing exercises to calm her a little, it helped.

Her friends are standing next to her. Kade and Jim looked good at their pink dress, and Tee looked handsome in her pink suit.
Her sisters are at front row of guest, they are waving their hand at her, she waved them back.

After few minutes, people start to murmuring, and turn their head towards other end of the aisle.
Sam looked towards the way, there she saw Mon walk down the aisle with her father. Mr Anantrakul said he will walk Mon down the aisle.

It looked like she is in movie, her eyes is on Mon only, everything is just background. Mon walk towards her in slow motion, Sam gulped, her hand get sweaty, her eyes is welling up with tears, she try not to fall her tears.

Mr Anantrakul bring Mon next to Sam.
They never saw each other wedding dress before, they want to keep it surprised.

Mon stand in front of Sam, smiling.
"You looked handsome, Daddy "
"You looked so beautiful, Mommy"

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