125 | Blood Family

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Blaze's pov:

I was finally letting it all out.

Once I felt her warm arms wrapped around me I couldn't contain it, I had to cry. At that moment I couldn't care less who was and who wasn't there, I just needed to feel her warmth.

"It's okay, I'm here" she whispered in my ear calming me down

"It's over now, son" her grandmother told him while brushing my back to calm me down

"I am sorry" I muttered. She took my arms out of me and she placed her hands on both of my cheeks, cupping my face.

"Don't you dare to apologize for that" she spoke looking into my eyes probably full of tears, her beautiful brown eyes were shinning and I stood memorized in them "you have nothing to apologize for" her thumb cleaned the falling water of my cheeks and she smiled sweetly "I love you and many people do to... don't waste your tears over someone who doesn't deserve them"

I nodded comprehending her words, her mom handed me a paper so I could clean my face which I thanked her for, and just like that a small angel got in at the perfect time screaming and running towards his godfather.

"Charlie get here!" Julia demanded but it was too late

"Uncle Blaze!!!" the boy said as he snuggled himself into my chest

"Hey buddy!" I smiled cleaning up my running nose and taking off the last tears

"I missed you so much! " Charlie said as he hugged me "I have got so many more legos for you to see! I've got the Star Wars, and the zoo like the zoo we saw with Auntie El! Oh oh, and I have a big one that Daddy helped me build that is a car and the wheels work!"

I snorted as I watched his excitement over seeing me after so long, that simple gesture matched the words Ella told me, it warmed my chest realizing I had people around me, I had a family even though it wasn't my blood but they were still my family, because one thing she taught me was that family was love and commitment, was standing by in the hardest times and holding each others hands even though on a daily basis they argue and they are loud to each other, there's nothing that beats up their love as a family.

"Thank you Charlie" Ella said catching mine's and Charlie's attention "You just made uncle Blaze better."

"I did?"

"Oh you did... you are like a superhero... where did you get your powers from?"

"Family" The boy answered making everyone smile

"You are so smart" She told him while rubbing his curly hair

"I will tell them to come inside and helps us prepare everything, meanwhile you should go and wash up" she told me while taking Charlie out of my lap

I smiled at her kindness, every minute that would go by just made me love her more " It's ok. I am good here"

"Really?" She whispered

"Yeah, I am next to you. I couldn't be better" I smiled while kissing her cheek making Charlie laugh "Oh you are laughing hm, big guy? Come here!" I took the boy in my hands while she called the rest of the family inside.

They didn't give me pitiful looks, they hugged me individually and talked with me, saying that I had someone by my side. I made a short speech, apologizing for what they had witnessed but they didn't let me carry on, they simply said it wasn't my fault and that everything that happened could be forgotten since I had a family to take care of.

The evening carried on, peaceful and joyful, they argued and discussed like always and I couldn't be happier to have these people by my side.

As I stepped into the kitchen, joining everyone, the rhythmic sound of chopping vegetables brought a smile to my face while I watched the rest put on the table. I rolled up my sleeves taking my eyes to her, I was finally ready to prepare a warm and inviting meal for my family.

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