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"You can change the layout and the letters" Jen proposed. I took a look at my design not knowing what was missing

"You need to seriously take over the media things are going insane with the announcement of the new line" Miles said on his laptop

We were now at my office preparing things for the big launching of the new Valentine's Day collection tomorrow.

Tomorrow... In 3 hours to be exact. I had to officially launch the new line in 3 hours and I still had so much to do. New ideas that ran through my mind.

Whenever I thought the design was ready I wanted to change something I didn't liked. My assistant and secretary have been helping me out, as long as my entire crew but i let them go early.

I hated to make my employees stay at work for more time than they are supposed to. It feels wrong. They should go back to their homes and families, live their lives besides work.

Me... Well I didn't have a family or home to go back to right now so I was quite well. My friends were making it possible to help me out.

"I don't know there is something I don't like" I commented while looking at my computer screen

Miles stood up and walked behind my chair to see my design. "You know what is missing?" he questioned making me and Jen hum "Sparkles..."

"Sparkles..." I commented "AH that's it!" I exclaimed happily hugging Miles and kissing his cheek "Sparkles!" I jumped happily in my chair. My happy dance was interrupted by a knock on the door...

"Yes?" I said making a tired Connor appear into view

"Hello, Mrs.Maxwell. Do I come in a bad time?"

"No Connor what do you want?" I asked, his cheeks got redder while his eyes looked at Jennifer

"Can I- can I take one of your workers?" he questioned shily while Jen bit her lips

I gave a small chuckle while nodding "Yeah you can take her. Have a safe trip home." I smiled Jen happily walked to the door

"Use protection" Miles advised teasing them

Jenny rolled her eyes and left the place with Connor.

After an hour of advance I was almost done and between Miles yawns I asked him to go away.

"Miles go home. I can do this, please go home" I begged while looking at his tired face

"No I am staying here till the end with you" he said almost sleeping

"No you are not! Leave my office and get a cab! You are not driving like that"  I demanded

"It's past time... You're no longer my boss"

"You're right I am your friend. That's why you're leaving and getting a good sleep at home" I said standing up and grabbing his coat. He slowly stood up and I helped him dress his coat

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" he questioned concerned

"I am " I smiled at his tired self

"I don't want to leave you"

"I know honey but you need to take a good rest" I gave him his purses and walked him to the elevator

"You're the best boss I ever had" he breathed with a smile. Once the elevator doors opened he said his goodbyes with a tight hug and a 'good luck' and walked inside the elevator.

I turned back to my office, patiently and calmly doing my job. Stress wasn't a friend of mine so I needed to make this as calmly and relaxing as I could.

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