Chapter 14 [TW: sewer slide]

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Today's date is June 15th, 2006.

Me and my parents are playing monopoly, it's my final day so why not play a board game or two with them. I finally cracked a smile as I stole a property from my dad.

"HA! That's what you get for being one space behind me!" I laughed as my dad rolled his eyes. "You just got lucky kiddo, next round I'm stealing a property from you!" My dad said as I sighed. "I'm probably not going to play the next round cause I wanna pay my respects to Crystal." I said as I looked up at my dad, he only gave a understanding nod.

"I won as you two were talkin'." My mom said as me and my dad groaned in defeat. "Well I'm heading out, I'll be back in a few" I said as I stood up and slipped my shoes on. "Just get back quickly alright, paying respects can't take that long." My mom said, I nodded as a responce. I'm so sorry mom. Please don't be upset when I come home and immediately go to my room today. 

I walked out the door and to Crystal's house. It has seen better days, I smiled softly at the little shrine the neighbor hood had made at her front poarch. Walked up to it and pulled her diary out, squatting down to put it with all the other stuff.

"You probably want this back don't you? I'm sorry for snooping in your stuff and getting mad when I saw something I didn't want to see. I hope you can rest after I do what I need to do." I stood up, looking down at the shrine. "See you on the other side if there even is one." I sighed and started walking back home. Is this really the right thing to do? It's what she would want. I have to.

I entered the front door of my house and walked up to my room, shutting and locking the door. I reached under my pillow and pulled out the pistol I took from my dads bedside drawer.

What am I doing?

"Sean sweetie are you okay?" My mom called from outside my door. I jumped and said, "Y-yeah I'm fine just doing something very very important and can't be bothered!" I yelled back. "Alright dear, if you need anything me and your father will be downstairs" She said as I heard her walk away.

I let out a shakey sigh and held the gun up to my temple. My hands were shaking and I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"3, 2-"


Mommy, my head hurts a lot and theres a heavy ringing in my ears. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me after this. Please I'm so sorry. My body feels numb but my head is throbbing, Is this what my last moments are supposed to be like? Alone in my room? I love you mommy.

Sean Anderson Valentine; the only child to Julia Valentine. You were a good kid, rest easy.

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