Chapter 9

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I slowly woke up, I felt a stabbing pain in my head. I sat up as I felt my head. It felt wet. I brought my hand down from my head as I looked at it, I had been bleeding. I jumped up from bed and ran to the living room where I saw my parents watching the local news, I stood in front of the TV before taking a deep breath.

"Okay so I know I'm bleeding and getting blood on the carpet but hear me out, last night I woke up cause I had a nosebleed and while I was in the bathroom washing my hands I saw her in the mirror! I saw the ghost that I've been investigating. And then I ran back to my room and saw her in the window a-" I franticly explained before my dad cut me off. "Champ we know this investigation is important and all, Crystal is important to us too. But you're bleeding and obviously not getting enough sleep." My dad said as my mom chimed in. 

"And sweetie we care about you, we want the best for you. You need to take a break. We're going to take you to the hospital then you're getting lots of rest." My mom said as she picked up her car keys. "Go get dressed then get in the car, Sean." She said as she walked out the door, I sighed as I walked back up to my room to get dressed in something I can get blood on then clean.

I walked out the door after getting dressed, quietly getting into the backseat of the car. "Sean I don't understand why you keep investigating that house knowing there's nothing. You can't just get a weird feeling then invade a abandoned house." My mom said sternly as I looked up at her through the rearview mirror, "But there is something there ma' I kept getting readings and I caught a ghost on my camcorder. There's clues there for Crystal's whereabouts I know it, and then I can track down her parents and tell them." I said as I spoke faster than usual, my mom just shook her head as she drove. 

I looked out the car window. As we passed the Davidson residence I saw that ghost girl standing at the front door. Watching us pass. I looked closer out the window but by the time we were a block away she was gone, I sighed as I sat back in my seat. Maybe she's right. Maybe I do need a break and I'm just letting this get to my head.

We arrived at the hospital. I sat in the waiting room as my mom checked me in. My leg bounced as I looked around the waiting room, old and young, sick and healthy. Everyone in my eyes looked completely normal but as I looked at everyone they were all staring. Did I really look that sleep deprived and weird? I mean I was bleeding from my head while everyone else was there for check ups or to get diagnosis's.

My mom walked to me and handed me a towel the receptionist gave her for my head, I took the towel from her and held it up to my head. Waiting quietly to be called in, I continued looking around as I saw that girl again. I perked up but she disappeared behind a corner. I was about to get up to follow her but my mom sat me back down. "Sean what could you have seen? There's no one there" She said in a whisper yell. "But mom I saw her again!-" I whisper yelled back as I sat back in my seat.

She sighed and held her head in her hands, I guess she didn't want to argue with me over something like a ghost girl.

A few more minutes passed. "Sean Valentine?" I heard the nurse yell out as me and my mom got up to follow him. I was not ready to explain how my head started bleeding despite me not even knowing how.

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