
496 11 4

Abc: Normal Speech

Abc: Thoughts

Abc: Moves


I wake up to the sun shining in my eyes, and my alarm blaring on my phone. Getting up, the first thing to do is shut off that damned alarm. Don't get me wrong, I'm disciplined, but that doesn't mean it doesn't get annoying sometimes. Getting off my bed, I try to quickly get ready for the day. Stepping on a frozen floor, I'm reminded of my frosty surroundings. Going to the kitchen, I find something unexpected, a fresh stack of waffles. After eating one of the waffles and some fruits, I head to the garage, while I look for my older sister, Maddy. I find her sitting outside on the porch reading.

Maddy: "Good morning baby brother! Have you finally gotten ready for school?"

My sister is the more energetic and extroverted out of us two. Also, she's very fond of the morning, whereas I'm not.

Y/N: "Yes, and please Maddy, no yelling this morning."

Maddy: "Don't make it my fault that you hate the morning, Mr. Grump. Anyways, are you ready to go?"

Y/N: "Yes, are you?"

Maddy: "I've been up since five this morning, what do you think?"

Y/N: "Noted, let's go."

We get to the garage, and both enter Maddy's car. While driving, we see something that catches our interest, a billboard of this rising pop group called K/DA.

Maddy: "Well, look at that, I saw them online a year or so ago, hard to believe that they've gotten so big in such a short amount of time."

Y/N: "I'm not one for the genre of pop, there's something sickly sweet about the sound that detracts me from it. I never understood why this attracts so many people."

Maddy: "Don't tell me you didn't see the pretty girls on that billboard. You know exactly why."

Y/N: "Fair, I enjoy pretty faces as well."

Maddy: "Ah, you do as well? I didn't take you for that kind of person, brother."

Y/N: "You know what I meant, sister."

Maddy: "Speaking of faces, we're here."

The Academy of Piltover, Runeterra's most prestigious school, is not a place for the lazy. Most students either have extraordinary intelligence, remarkable battle prowess, or both. Some students have got in solely on their parentage, but they usually go to the business side of things. After parking, Maddy and I parted ways since she's a senior.

Y/N: "Farewell, sister."

Maddy: "Not so fast, where's my thank you for driving you to school?"

Y/N: "My thank you can be cashed in at a later time."

Maddy: "Don't give me all that power, I might just abuse it."

I shake my head and walk inside while getting ready for my first class. Making a quick stop at my locker, I continue to class while thoroughly engrossed in a book. Just as I get to the door, I collide with another person.

Y/N: "I'm sorry, are you okay?"

???: "Yeah, I'm fine."

Y/N: "Sorry about that."

???: "No problem."

Y/N: "Unfortunately, I've got to get to class, so goodbye."

???: "Um, I think we're going to the same class."

Y/N: "Oh. Well then, ladies first."

Kai'sa: "Thanks, by the way, my name's Kai'sa."

Y/N: "My name is Y/N, nice to meet you."

After we both head in and sit down, the class starts and we are notified by Headmaster Heimerdinger of this year's Combat Trials. The Combat Trials are used to gauge each student's combat skills. Seeing as I haven't participated in one yet, due to my sickness one year and the fact that freshmen aren't allowed to compete, I am a little nervous. I get through most of my day without thinking about it, until Battle Class. No worries yet, as I'm confident in my skills. What kind of Lin Kuei would I be if I was afraid of combat? I and my class get to the gym and our faces drop when we see fighting legends, Braum and Fiora.

Prof. Fiora: "Welcome! Myself and Prof. Braum are your new combat instructors and will be taking over for Prof. Hollis. We will do our utmost best to prepare you for The Trials. Now, we would like to see your prowess in combat, so, would anyone like to be the first volunteer?"

She scans the room, but no one even shows a glimmer of interest in being the first one. So, I decided to take the fall.

Y/N: "I will, Professor."

Prof. Fiora: "Alright, you will be facing Professor Braum."

Prof. Braum: "Good luck, young man!"

Y/N:" Thanks."

The battle starts and Prof. Braum is not giving me an inch of space, nonstop attacks galore. I'm prepared though and start my counter-attack. I drop the temperature in the room to negative 30 and all the students in the room shiver at the freezing temperature, but Prof. Braum isn't even fazed by this change!

Prof. Braum: "Ahhh, feels just like home on the Freljord!"

Y/N: (That's right, he grew up in temperatures like these. No wonder he's not affected.)

Seeing that making it colder was not impeding Prof. Braum's performance, I decided to change my plan of attack.

Y/N: "Mirror Dome!"

The space with me and Prof. Braum becomes an ice dome, so glossy that it's mirror-like.
Now that I have space to work with, I disappear into my ice. I now can be everywhere, yet nowhere in my dome.

Y/N: "I am everywhere Professor, can you combat this?"

Prof. Braum: "Don't get arrogant, young warrior, I've seen and fought many battles".

With that he shatters the whole dome with one punch, baffling me and my classmates.

Prof. Braum: "Now, let the real fight, begin!"

He rushes towards me at an alarming speed for a man of his size. Steeling myself for a real fight, I create my staff and start speeding towards him. We clash and his strength is unreal, every blow taking all my strength to parry.

Prof. Braum: "I sense you faltering young warrior, has your bravado weakened?"

Y/N: "Of course not, I'm just taking my time."

Parry after parry, attack after attack, I've managed to fight Prof. Braum on equal grounds, although I'm sure that he's not going all out. We have both injured each other, but I am in much worse shape. I hit him with a nasty combination, but it seems like there is no end to his attacks.

Prof. Braum: "This should finish the fight, but fear not, you have lasted far longer than I thought. You have backed up your bluster with real results, but this must end. "Mini Shockwave!"

The shockwave violently lifted and slammed me into the ground, luckily I made a shield to try and protect myself, but it shattered on impact and the pieces of ice and rock dug into my skin. Everything hurts, I'm bleeding from multiple places and I need to find a way to end it quickly, so I start racking my brain for solutions.

Y/N: (There's only one thing that can maybe stop him, but I don't know if I can do it. )

I ready myself for my biggest move.

Y/N: "Glacial Apocalypse!"

The room turned into a frozen landscape, freezing all the people in the room up to their legs. After that, all I could do was succumb to unconsciousness, and hope that I ended the fight on a high note.

A Heart Of Ice ( KDA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now