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Name: Y/N West

Age: 16

Height: 6'3

Weight: 220

Powers: Thermal Manipulation: Y/N can lower his internal and external temperature, thereby lowering the temperature in the space. Even to the point of creating a space of absolute zero in a rapid amount of time. Y/N also is not affected by extreme cold, instead he is best in colder temperatures.

Cryokinesis: Y/N can control and freeze the moisture in the air to an unknown degree. The ice he creates is also much stronger than regular ice and can shatter diamonds.

Thermal Vision: By using his powers Y/N can also see others internal and external temperature.

Enhanced Senses and Body: Due to Y/N's powers strain on his body, his body adapted to his powers. He's now able to sense his surroundings without seeing and his muscles have become denser to allow Y/N more control of his powers.

Skills: An excellent pianist, a practitioner of Wing Chun and Jeet Kune Do.

Unique Traits: Ice blue eyes and vertical scar over lip.

A Heart Of Ice ( KDA x Male Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ