IV. Birds of a Feather

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Chrysanthos sat beneath a linen canopy on cushions covered with the shiny smooth material. Akakios stood a few feet away, staring anxiously at Chrysanthos. "I would prefer it if you'd join me. You make me uncomfortable standing out in the sun." Said Chrysanthos. Akakios edged closer to the mass of pillows and cushions.

"I don't want to ruin them."

"Ruin what?" Chrysanthos looked around him for the source of Akakios hesitation and concern. "There's nothing here but silk pillows."

Silk pillows. Akakios would have to remember to tell his grandma about them. He was sure none of his family had ever come across something like this. He took off his worn leather belt, coated in clay dust, and sat gingerly on the pillows near Chrysanthos.

Chrysanthos opened a wooden chest behind him and pulled out a small amphora. "Wine?" He asked Akakios as he poured himself a cup.

"Um sure, but hasn't it gone bad? Sitting out here on the hot roof?" His family drinks spoiled wine, but out of necessity, not enjoyment. He was surprised a royal would dare take a sip.

Chrysanthos smiled politely and shook his head. "She just refilled it a few minutes before we came out here. Didn't you?" Chrysanthos turned his head and spoke towards the parapets behind them. Akakios stood up, unnerved he hadn't noticed someone else on the small roof.

"Is someone up here with us? I thought we were alone." He walked around the canopy and pillows. Pressed against the shade of the limestone blocks crouched a little girl staring up at him. Akakios knelt down in front her while Chrysanthos stood behind him at a distance. "What are you doing up here, little birdie?" He felt a pinch in his stomach, knowing the answer already.

"Working," her whisper barely audible. Akakios nodded his head sweetly to the girl.

"Would you mind sitting with us on the cushions? Kneeling hurts my knees." He rubbed his knees repeatedly. The girl peaked her head up, looking passed Akakios to Chrysanthos. He briefly nodded and gave a small half-smile.


"Wonderful! Can you help me up? I think I'm stuck." Akakios flailed his arms in front of him. The girl stood and smiled, she was barely taller than the crouching Akakios. She grabbed his hands and pulled up. Akakios gripped her little hands and as he stood, lifting her into the air. With a swing, he tossed her onto the pillows beside them. "Fly, little birdie!"

Chrysanthos gasped, Akakios laughed, and the girl shrieked with elation. "Again!" Akakios placed both hands on his back and winced. He shook his head, his face bunched in mock-anguish. The girl giggled ceaselessly, running across the pillows at full speed towards the young man. Slipping on the silk, she fell face first into the clouds beneath.

"I gotchu!" Yelled Akakios, releasing his hands from his back and launching into a ticklish frenzy. She gasped for air and thrashed about, Chrysanthos began to worry.

"You're hurting her!" He reached for Akakios' shoulder, to pull him back. Akakios lifted his head in confusion before looking back to the girl to pick her up. In the air, limp as a doll above him, the girl's smile had never been bigger.

"Was I hurting you?" Akakios grumbled like a cyclops at the girl. She tried to answer, but he started shaking her. A choppy shrieking laughter rang throughout the palace. "Oh," In an exhausted breath, Akakios plopped her down on the cushions and fell down beside her. "That's what I thought!" He said, triumphantly out of breath. The girl nestled up close to Akakios, placing his arm around her.

Chrysanthos off to the side, unsure of what he witnessed. Shame, jealousy, awe, confusion, and admiration somehow swirled in his heart all at once. The girl, he didn't know her name or any of the palace attendants, had been helping him for a little over a year. She showed up on the roof one day instead of the black haired boy his age, he figured he'd gotten too old to help inside the palace. She was a shy little thing, but Chrysanthos preferred that to too many questions. And his new friend, who he hadn't spoken to before today, seemed shy and self-conscious inside the palace with him until he saw the girl. Why was he more comfortable with the girl than with him?

Endymion's Wake (Book One of the Golden Cycle series)Where stories live. Discover now