Chapter 12 The Begging of the End

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So, as all our heroes and villains gear up for the upcoming multiversal war, things go from bad to worse for the Avengers. Meanwhile, back with Darkstar, he was thinking how he ended up as a villain.

Past Darkstar: Dad
Past Xavier: Yeah, son
Past Darkstar: Where's mom

Past Xavier looks pissed as if someone had done something awful

Past Xavier: The Volcanos took your mother and killed her in front of my eyes
Past Darkstar: Moms dead?

Past Xavier looks down sad


Just then his aura exploded,which broke the seal that was trapping Kang, and he then appeared where the Volcanos lives and killed their entire race, elsewhere, the author also got news that his mother died and he flew into a blind rage and exploding his aura which released Kang. Meanwhile, back in the present time, the author was contemplating why his twin brother turned evil. Elsewhere Vegeta was doing something unexpected.

Your knuckles are split wide open, your mouth trickling with the taste of iron. You shake your head, sweat pouring down your back, and you know that you look pathetic as you hold back tears.

"I won't let you hurt anyone else," you manage, wiping your gloved hand against your bleeding mouth. You snarl at him, the one man you never thought you'd fight again - Vegeta.

He smirks, tongue protruding just between the cupid's bow of his lips, "Oh you putrid earthling, stop kidding yourself," he lunges forward in midair, his hand clutching your throat, "As if you ever had a chance."

There is one item left in your arsenal, something you watched the very man in front of you use to defeat the Majin Buu from years ago. Every fiber of your being screams at you as you begin to build up your energy, starting in your core. Your muscles feel like they're tearing and you can't keep the tears from your eyes as the ki swirls like a vortex in your soul.

A feral scream splits your lips and you tilt your head back, resisting the hold of his palm as you do so. You finally feel yourself charged up, every blood vessel in your body crying for relief. Your body can't handle the stress much longer before it will be torn apart - and you know you'll never recover. You will go to Other World and fight for your right to keep your body. You haven't been a saint, but you hope you've done enough good to keep the one thing that reminds you of your time on earth.

"Oh, Prince, do me a favor, why don't you?" your lower lip wobbles but you feel the steel in your gaze as your bright white ki energy swallows your pupils whole, "Go to hell."

At that moment, you release your energy in a flash of light, that same bloodcurdling screech you hear in your nightmares echoing in your own ears as it tears your throat to shreds. The last thing you see before your body gives out from the stress and pain alone is Vegeta's cold, dark eyes mirroring the look of betrayal in your own.

You did not expect to wake up in a hospital in Other World. You figured that when you were transported to the next plane of existence, your spirit would float down the line and wait to see King Yemma and his book of souls.

Your tongue is like sandpaper in your throat and your eyes are practically glued shut, but you manage to open them eventually. You sit up and suddenly a beeping sound begins to resound in your ears. The piercing noise hurts down to your spine and you try to plug your ears, standing to your feet as you try to get away from it.

Your body seems to be relying on its most primal instincts - you're scared, so you run away. You push through the hall full of people, completely unaware of your appearance - hospital gown split down the back, the unclasped corners of the coat billowing in the wind you are creating as you rush through the hallways.

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