Chapter 10

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"Little Angel, you must make it." His thunderous voice hurts your ears even through a projector.

"I'm fine, Thor." You give him a small grin before you grimace. "Until we meet again in the stars."

His face flashes in recognition and a small tear escapes before he smiles. "Until you both meet again in the stars." He repeats with sorrow. Your projection seems content with his response and you glance towards the sky. "Just a moment, love." And your body falls limp, before the words "End of File" are projected.

You sit in silence for a moment, trying to process what you just saw. Mobius looks on at you with thinly veiled empathy.

"So, is that why I'm here?" Your voice shakes as you ask him the question.

He nods in response. "You were supposed to perish in battle, protecting your teammates."

"And because I survived, my life is forfeit?" The anger floods over you. This is not fair. Nothing about this is fair.

"I am truly sorry, Y/N." Mobius states with concern at your growing frustration. "Would you like to see any others?"

"Any other what?" You growl out, teeth clenched to keep yourself from throwing yourself across the table.

"Other endings." He supplies like the answer is obvious.

"Other endings?" Your anger gives way partially to curiosity.

"You aren't the first variant of yourself to walk these halls, far from it." Mobius states. "I need to go and grab someone. If you want to watch others, just press this button." He illustrates on the remote before handing it to you and leaving the room in a flourish.

You aren't entirely sure what to do or even think, so for lack of something better, you press play.

The projector hums to life as an image takes shape. This time, a battle is raging in full force.
You see your teammates scattered around in different skirmishes. But you, you are fighting side by side with Loki. His dark hair flys in different directions as he twirls in an elegant fighting dance, hurling daggers with deadly accuracy. Your own fighting style matches his in elegance, after all, you learned together on the grounds of Asgard. Your wings beat out a powerful rhythm pushing away any enemies that get too close to your choreographed battle. Just as it seems that your side has the upper hand, a flash of metal tears your gaze to the other side of the battlefield. Some sort of weapon is aimed directly at Loki, before he can react, you step in front of him and the weapon hits you square in the chest.

With a gasp you clutch the wound and collapse. Before you hit the ground, Loki has you in his arms.

"Y/N, my love, why would you do that?" He questions. You can see his green seidr forming a protective cocoon around the two of you as the battle finally begins to wrap up.

You reach up and cradle his face, blood and dirt now speckling his pale complexion.

"I had to, my love. Would you not have done the same?" You smile at him.

"Of course. Without hesitation." His tone is firm in his answer.

"So you see." You raise an eyebrow. Pain racks your body and you grimace.

"Y/N, please, my love, you cannot leave me. I cannot live without you." His voice is broken as he clutches you.

"Loki," You begin, hand still on his cheek, "You will. You have to" You take a deep shuddering breath. "Until we meet again in the stars."

Loki manages to give you a heartbroken smile through the tears forming in his eyes. "Until we meet again in the stars." He responds.

Then the scene shifts again.

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