Romance Results

40 3 11

Judge: niaDninja

Okay guys, here are the results for the Romance section. I kept the judging as basic as possible, due to this being the Basic Awards.  If you want something crazier fee free to check out our Free Souls Awards. 

I failed on the tagging in the last chapter. I'm not even going to try this time. Benji Boi if you are seeing my failures feel free to fix them. 

Let it be known that I am in no way, shape, or form a published author. This awards is all opinion based. I can't even say I helped in making any of the prizes. 

Anyway. Here is probably the most basic review you will ever receive in your life.


First place goes to Romantic Story by aurora_2604 with a total of 46/50.

Cover: 4 /5

The words on the cover were difficult for me to see, but it could be due to my color blindness.

Plot: 10/10

The plot was easily defined. It explains Taehyung's actions.

Character: 10/10

It is clear that both your characters are clearly defined. I could easily spot the difference between them not only through dialogue, but through normal text.

Fun: 17/20

A lot has happened within the first three chapters. I'm personally not a fan of buying sex, but it was a very fun read.

Grammar: 5/5

I did not observe any grammar issues.


Second place goes to Us Against the World by romance_lover16 with a score of with a total of 43/50

Cover: 4/ 5

The cover is a little on the darker side.

Plot: 8/10

You can see the makings of a good plot in the beginning chapters.

Character: 10/10

I enjoyed the dialogue between the characters and it felt like the conversation flowed with ease

Fun: 17/20

I liked chapter two the best mostly because of your characters Chandini and Riya's interaction because they reminded me of my friends.

Grammar: 4 /5

I noticed some grammar issues in chapter three but I think that was your unedited chapter.


Third place goes to Art of a Bleeding Heart by strawberry1d with a total of 42/50.

Cover: 4 /5

Some of the writing in red was difficult to see due to the background. Again this could just be because of my colorblindness. 

Plot: 10/10

The plot was easy to spot in the early chapters and sets up the story well.

Characters: 10/10

It's hard not to vote the characters high when the reader is apparently one of them. The rest of the characters were described well and easy to picture thanks for the pictures.

Fun: 15/20

The story was enjoyable and easy to read. I personally wasn't a fan of being inserted into the story, but once I saw who the main character really was, the story was better. I personally enjoyed the pictures throughout the chapters, it helped set the scene.

Grammar: 3/5

I did observe some spacing issues in the chapters with other grammar issues.


Fourth place goes to Parth Probodhika: Pristine hues of his peace by dwarkaratna with a total of 38/50. 

Cover: 5/5

I enjoyed the colors of the cover and the overall design. Both of your covers are beautiful and light.

Plot: 8/10

I was able to see the plot better in this story. It could be the romantic element in there, but it was easier to spot.

Characters: 10/10

I felt like you did a great job describing the characters and their family trees.

Fun: 10/20

The story was an interesting read. Granted it is not a typical story that I would read.

Grammar: 5/5

I did observe some minor grammar issues, but it wasn't enough to disrupt the flow of the story. I'm going to give full points because it could just be my lack of knowledge on the word dau. "dau" reads like a name, but is it short for daughter?


Last but not least goes to Butterflies and Guilt by LeolaBrown with a total of 18/50. 

Cover: 5/5

I liked the colors of the cover and I have used a similar style for my own.

Plot: 2/10

I had a difficult time following the story. I could not get a clear grasp on the plot.

Character: 2/10

At times it was difficult to determine which character was talking. This made it hard to rate the characters. 

Fun: 5/20

The dots that separated events made it difficult to determine if it was a character switch or just a jump in the story

Grammar: 4/5

I saw a few grammar issues but it was not anything major.


For the winners either JOIN THE SERVER'S DISCORD or

Add Benji personally on discord it being:


Discord is the only way for now to claim your stuff, until Benji Boi does his job and find a better way.

By the way, if your story is also in the main awards by this score you can see the general idea of what I think of it (if you are in my category). In the main awards we go up to chapter five if you make the finals, so your placement here will not dictate your placement in the other awards.

Also the other awards have cooler stickers. If you are a Pokémon badge collector like myself, got to catch them all.

Thank you all for being brave enough with giving us the time of day.

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