Chapter 20 - Operation Super Hammer II

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"Do we need warships that can defeat the enemy's warships? It's a fundamental principle of a Navy."

As Kurtz returned, the Emperor returned to his original posture.

"Siegs will be here soon."


Siegs was immediately there literally. Literally, Siegs arrived immediately. As the Capital Defense Force commander, it was natural.

Siegs knelt before the Emperor.

"Your Majesty, I have come as summoned."

"You must know as well, the fall of Valkyries."


"The Army Minister has resigned in order to take responsibility. Until a formal replacement is decided, you are appointed as the acting minister."

"As you wish."

Gra Lux spoke to Kaiser and Siegs.


. . .

The two who left the Emperor's office walked side by side.

"Did you hear from Ramball?"

Kaiser initiated the conversation.


"I haven't heard your response yet."


Siegs was not using a roundabout expression. He had a habit of condensing most conversations into a few words. It might be better than a certain legendary Silent Admiral in some ways.

"If we seriously fight Japan, we'll definitely lose. We need to take action before it comes to that."

"I'm thinking."

When Siegs said that, he truly meant he was considering it.

"Decide sooner rather than later."


At that point, the two parted ways.


After being towed to Otaheit Harbor, the La Kasami Kai docked at the shipyard of its builder, Rigliera Bissunds. However, the engineers at Rigliera were dumbfounded when they saw the ship. It was entirely different from the La Kasami-class they were familiar with. The chief engineer at the company, Ayen, was shown a screw diagram drawn in Japan and was left speechless.

"Are you asking us to build something according to this diagram?"

Minilar and Myrus nodded.

"The Navy's hope is for the La Kasami's swift return to the front lines. We have to receive repair parts for the damaged equipment from Japan, but if we can at least replace the damaged screws, it will be operational for the time being."

After hearing Myrus' explanation, Ayen looked at the faces of the two and the diagram back and forth.

"I understand the Navy's hope, but we can't make something identical to this."

"Why not?" Minilar asked. He didn't intend to be intimidating, but Ayen felt as if he were being pressured.

"Our machining equipment cannot produce a shape this complicated."

"It's just a screw propeller."

"Wait a moment."

Thinking that words alone wouldn't convey the message, Ayen pulled out the screw diagram for the La Kasami-class.

Summoning Japan: Flights of the FancyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin