➶ six

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The next morning the older ones of the messi family wake up early to leave. They spend time together, basically mourning the place like a dead person.

"We have to go to the airport now" lionel says as they gather the suitcases by the door. They all take one kid and carry them to the car.

Isabella cries as they drive off, her mother comforting her as they both wipe their eyes with tissues. Once they stop crying, isa goes on her phone.

Pablo has still been ghosting her. But she sends one last text.

'Pablo por favor respond im going to the airport right now' But no reply. On pablos side, he sees the text. He thinks as he looks at it, his leg bouncing up and down.

"Pablo no phones at training!" someone yells. He sighs frustrated and turns his phone off, leaving the poor girl- the poor girl who he loves- on read.

She floats in his head the whole time. After training he does it. He runs- like actually RUNS to her house. He bangs on the doors, out of breathe.

Tears brim to his eyes as he winces, hes lost her. He can obviously text her but- everybody knows he is too shy to even face her after this.

He cries as he walks back home, was this the end of pablo and isa?

Isas pov

On the flight to paris, the little boys are still alseep, my parents talk and i stay in my own world, looking out the window as we soar over barcelona.

Soon, we land in paris. As we walk around our new- quite empty- house, i feel a bit better. I mean- it's not bad it's pretty nice.

Until i feels bad remembering pablo.

But then a knock on the door suprises us as we open the door to the one and only, neymar.

"Tio ney!" i gasps hugging him as he walks through the door.

"Hola que tal" he smiles as he greets everyone. He has a bottle of wine in his hand.

"Are you old enough to drink yet?" he squints turning to me

"Ney" my mum says in a warning tone

"Im jokingg" he chuckles "but im just visiting quickly- but you guys come over to my house for dinner okay! Fancy dress nice". He leaves us and then we go on with our days adjusting to the house.

Then, dinner time hits. My mum knocks on my room door as we finish getting ready.

"My highlighter broke on the plane can i use yours?" she asks as she puts her earrings on

"Yeah" i say handing her it.

"Gracias- tu ves muy bonita" she smiles before leaving the room.

"Gracias tu tamben!" i smile calling out. I continue getting ready and e finally leave the house.

"Do you know where we're going?" i ask

"No but you know ney" my dad chuckles. We arrive to the address neymar gave us and we gasp as we see the restruant that just happens to be next to the eifell tower.

"Ney so much" my dad dabs him up

They go to the table and it's right by the tower. All of a sudden, it starts sparkling.

All our jaws drop as neymar has a proud smile.

"Welcome to paris" neymar grinns as we all gasp. All of us look at the beautiful lights as they sparkle. Almost as bright as pablos smile.


This is a lil short but anywyas i just wanted to write the part of them getting to paris but i dont really like it grrrr i feel like i wrote in 2x speed as if i was in a rush when i wrote this lmao

also guys im sick of google translate so i didnt use it in this but just pretend all this was in spanish

Have a good day/night and dont forget to vote!



always - pablo gaviWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt