➶ four

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Its the nexwat day and im getting ready to go to the shops for the build a bear. moving to paris. Crazy. I- how do i even tell pablo! i put my clothes on and go downstairs.

 I- how do i even tell pablo! i put my clothes on and go downstairs

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"adonde vas?" my dad asks as i go downstairs.

(where are you going)

"tiendas- y luego nos vemos en la fiesta sorpresa de pablos" i say grabbing my water bottle.

(shops, and then ill meet you at pablos surprise party)

"De acuerdo, adiós" my dad kisses my cheek before i leave. I - im 16, and since i was 10, pablo was my person.

He was mine, my best friend and the boy i liked. I sigh as i get in the backseat of the drivers car and he takes me to the mall. 

I go and buy a bear and put a little voice message inside.

"pablo estoy muy orgulloso de cualquier punto en el que estes ahora y te echo mucho de menos" i say briefly. I then buy it and leave.

(pablo im so proud of whatever point youre at right now and i miss you lots)

I get the driver to take me to the party, where my parents are already at with the gifts i bought before.

Me and my dad agreed to not tell anybody until later, especially not today, its pablos birthday for gods sake!

"pablitooo!" i spot him. He smiles as he jogs over to me. I open my arms and he hugs me.

"feliz cumpelanos mi pablitoo" i cheer ruffling his hair "now, i know its yor birthday but you really need to practice your english" i laugh.

"yes- i- have" he smiles in the most broken english ever. My english is good, pablo understands but wont speak.

"eres tan monooo" i squeal hugging him again.

(your so cute)

I see his shy smile as he rests his hands on my back. 

"says- you" he smiles even bigger. HIS SMILE MAKES ME MELT

"ayyyyy muy bien pabli" i smile. Atleast i know he might survive when i leave, he uses my english homework alot.

We walk around his party together and we stop at the food. Obviously we stock up and laugh together.

"Qué tal si tú y yo vamos al acantilado esta noche?" pablo smiles

(how about me and you go to the cliff tonight?)

"bueno!" i smile. After a long time at the party i go to ask my parents.

"Puedo ir con Pablo?" i ask

(can i go with pablo)

"si" they nod.  I run to pablo and take his hand as we skip to the cliff. 

pablos pov

always - pablo gaviWhere stories live. Discover now