"We have a park in our block?" Of course he wasn't here to answer me so I got up and followed him downstairs. He was already in kitchen when he saw me walking to him. "Please wear some decent clothes when we go out, because in name of casuals all you wear now is a short and some shirt or vest." He nagged with his knife pointing towards me which made me scoff. It's true I wear very less clothes now a days but it's hot outside, if it was for me I won't wear anything on top but I have some decency left in me. 

Also, it's not like he hates it. "Don't act like you don't enjoy the sight." This made him shut up before he stomped his feet on ground and resumed back to what he was doing. See, he didn't even deny it. 

After the lil confrontation I walked into my gym room, past months I added some new equipment, punching sandbag being one of those. I am not a gym freak but I like my body in shape. Doing some warmups and stretches I sighed when I looked at the smaller dumbbells and weights. I actually bought them for Tae but he said he loves his body the way it is and would use them instead of his slippers to hit me if I even tried to convince him otherwise. It's not like he is not fit, he is actually more than fit for someone who even hates moving too much while sitting but maybe it's his profession that keeps his stamina in check.  

Done with my exercise, I quickly washed up with now changed in a pair a loose white shirt and black slacks. Surprisingly my shirt has Tae's scent of roses which makes me happy as the scent is so calming and addictive. How and why it has his scent, I don't know. Water droplets still dripping from my wet hair as I walk out to where he is. "Didn't dry up your hair?" He clicked his tongue at me before reaching out for the towel he hung up of the hangers and stood up on the couch to dry my hairs. We don't have any big height difference, it's hardly 10cm but it's still there.  

As he dried my hair, my gaze travelled again and again to his waist which I think would look marvelous with a waist chain. Licking my lips I tried my best to control my desire to lung forward and bite on the exposed skin, leave my teeth marks all over him. "There. I packed our lunch already so let's go." I watched as he hopped down, the mark on his back revealed for anyone to see. Staring at his back as he leaned down to tie his shoelace which slide his top a bit more up, I still think the mark is familiar, I have seen it somewhere but I don't know where.

"Where-you prepared a picnic basket??" I was bewildered when I saw his basket. It's like a picnic basket with fruits, sandwiches, and something which I can't see. "Yea? So, now carry it. I will lock the house." With that ordered said, he picked up both of our phones and the keys then walked out, me trailing behind him with the basket.


Our picnic is going peaceful as we both are enjoying the relaxation of our free day. I am laying down on the mat whereas Tae is still sitting, looking at the squirrel's family on the tree beside us. "Do you know, it's my first time having a picnic?" My eyes doubled in size with his sudden confession. "You didn't had one during school or college years?" It would be surprise to know he didn't. Like, how can someone miss picnic all these years? I was forcefully dragged to each picnic by my brothers. 

"Nope. So, I don't really know what we actually do at picnics." Ok. Now, I sat up straight then lied down again but in front of him so I can see his face. "What do you want to do?" My questions made him think for a while before he answered. "Relax and enjoy the peace. Just be lazy." A grin plastered over my face at his answer and I patted my thighs. "Lay down, it feels good." But of course he isn't my omega if he listens on the first time. "What! Nope! I am fine he-yah!" And I don't take no for an answer. So, I just pulled him by his shoulder and laid him down beside me with my hand as his pillow. "Now, it's better."  

 It was really better. He was snuggled close to me, blabbering about how cute the squirrel is, turning and twisting around only to get back in the same position. After some time it went quite which told me he is fast asleep. Suddenly I remembered something so with my free hand I unlocked my phone and searched on the internet about a howling wolf mark. To my surprise there were many results but none of them were looking useful. Some said, chosen one, while some went over the board with having extra wolf in the human. One of which caught my attention was the rogue wolf one, I was going to click on the link when a voice disturbed me.

"Such a lovely couple!" I am starting to hate compliments now. "Are you two new here?" The man kept standing on my head which tells me he really wants an answer. "Yeah. We recently shifted here." I felt Tae squirming on my side and just when I thought he was going to wake up, he wrapped his hand around my torso, turning towards me. This was the reason I had chosen a far away place in the whole park where less people wandered so he can have his privacy and away from public eyes but this man here can't really understand that.

"I am Hyun-su. And forgive me but I was here to actually warn you to not wander off around too much. I am doing this to everyone in this park as from last few days some people claimed to see a rogue wolf roaming around this sector." Now this made me alert and tighten my grip around my husband who was sleeping with no worries in mind. A rogue wolf, is it possible to be the same from the hospital? "Was it large in size?" I hope not. "Yes actually....that's what weirded out everyone because it was so enormous with a murderous aura but it didn't attack anyone which is more confusing." He sighed, really tense about the situation as he nodded before going away. "That's all then, just be careful."

His words left me in turmoil because if it's the same wolf, why didn't it attacked anyone? Maybe it wasn't the same wolf, that's the only conclusion I can reach. Then, why suddenly there are so many rogue wolf emerging at once? And only in our sector? A tired sigh left my lips as I threaded my hair back, my mind full of questions and only questions which includes, what's the mark on Tae's back and why it's so familiar?

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