3. Nameplate

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Taehyung's POV-

I can't believe there's already a problem standing in front of me when it hasn't been even 12 hours I set my foot in this new pack. The man, who claims the house is his, is standing in front of me, sleeves rolled up like he is ready to take me down with one pull. He probably can with all the muscles he has on him. Though I try my best to ignore his presence, he isn't someone to not notice. He has a very strong cologne which makes me repulse from me as I don't do well with strong scents. His eyes are boring holes in me everywhere I go.

"Get out of here tomorrow. I will talk to t-" I halted my steps and turned to him, his words lost in thin air. "You will talk? Right, please do and get out of my home as soon as possible. I don't like anyone's presence near me, certainly not yours." His jaw clenched at my words as he took a step towards me. He really think he can intimidate me with that stare? I have gotten death threats from my patients right before performing surgeries on them without killing them out of pettiness. I have self control of god.

"You lil thief, pull your head our of your fantasy world and see. It's mine, not yours." Okay, my self control withers at some points, this might be one. "You," I took a step closer until my finger is digging on his chest. "are the one who needs to pull their head out. Might even say hi to your small intestine since your head is that far up your ass." 

My words got an instant reaction out of him which was his face turning red, certainly not from shame but anger as he spoke. "You have an irresistible pretty mouth, my lil thief. But good lord your presence is just as unbearable with the words that slip past through those lips." Is this what we call passive aggressive? He made a remark about my mouth-what a pervert-and called my presence unbearable. He is ticking off my patience for every seconds he breaths on my face with the air clotting cologne.

"I am not a thief! This house is mine. Till morning, you will find the nameplate out there, that is, if I will let you stay under the same roof as me." a chuckle ripped out of him as I spoke making me more irritated than I already am. "You...are a thief. And this house is mine. There will be no name on the nameplate other than 'Jeon Jungkook'. Certainly not 'lil thief' so stop dreaming and get ready to leave in morning also enjoy your stay till morning, I am feeling a bit generous."

Generous. Generous my fucking heels! Heels. No Tae, you can't throw heels, he might go blind with my perfect aim. With a sigh I dragged myself on my couch that I unwrapped in the mean time and stumbled over it, my eyelids dropping within seconds like I didn't sleep for days.


My hospital duty had transformed me into an early bird, but I didn't expect that crow to be an early bird too. When I opened my eyes, he was already stumbling, skipping down the stairs with something in his hand. 


This made my eye snap open and active. I tore open the nearest box that I knew had the nameplate and made a run on the door, right before him. I need to get my nameplate on the gate before him.

"Get out-ow! Get of my way you lil thief!!" His yelling just made me run faster than before as I sprinted outside the house. "Don't you dare!!!" As if! I was about to hang my nameplate when he pushed me out of my way but I am not going down alone so I dragged him with me, ending up both of us on ground. My legs locked on his neck, thighs choking him-proud to have thick thighs- as he held me down with both hands. 

"Pull....o-ff you legs!" 

"Leave my hand!"

"I-I can't breath you d-..damned omega!"

"Not like you can die easily you brute....choke on my thick thighs, you are being blessed!"

"More lik-"

"Omo what a cute couple!!" 

Our wrestling halted when we heard a high pitch voice. "Yoongi-ah! Look at them! You and hope are just like them!" The man, who's hair I was pulling on looked at me with a questioning look to which I don't know why but I nodded and scrambled off him to look at who was talking. 

"We didn't knew we had a new couple in our neighbor hood." This time the man with the pale face uttered, a bit surprised but that's all. There wasn't any other reaction on his face. He might not be a morning person. And wait, rewind back please.

"Couple?" I asked, equally ridiculed as the brute beside me. 

"Yes? You two would make a very beautiful baby, I must say." I was about to speak again but this time the man beside me spoke. "Pardon me, beautiful but you are mistaken. We" he motioned at both of us as he spoke. "are not a couple. I don't know him, we met just yesterday." I nodded along with his words agreeing with him but for some reason his every word seemed to drain the color and happiness out of the couple's face in front of us.

"You....you two are not a couple?" The omega asked stuttering to which I shook my head not getting why it's so much of an issue. "You two...stayed in the house...all alone...for whole night?" I couldn't hide away my judging stare as he made it sound like we did dirty in the house or broke some ritual.

"Yoongi....I am going to faint. Tell me....you both are....of opposite rank?" 

And he fainted when I nodded my head to his question. 


I didn't got why the omega fainted there, but now that I know, I am about to faint too.

"Faint on me I will throw you in a drain." I don't feel like fainting anymore, since I know if I did this bitch beside me will definitely throw me. Because I would do the same if he even slept though I know I can't even move him. 

"Did you knew about this so called rule?" I asked as we both were in pack house, sitting out while our family was inside talking with the pack alpha and the authorities. "The only thing I knew about this pack was it would be my peace." Though he talked about peace, his face reflected he was in deep misery. 

"Guess not anymore since you are about to marry a witch." And there, my peace is gone too. We both looked up as every 'adult' who was discussing about our case inside came out, none with happy face but not disastrous too. And did this beta said 'marry'?

"What marry? Who marry?" I couldn't control my mouth and stood up abruptly almost knocking off the brute beside me. "You two...marry each other. We have a rule in our pack, no opposite rank who aren't blood related are not allowed to be under the same roof, as much as spend the whole night alone. It's against our ethics and rules. They are either bound to leave the pack with their belongings or marry each other."

"P-pardon.....marry this man? We don'-" I couldn't complete before my lovely aunt jumped in between. "Marry when you are getting the opportunity! No one will marry a vicious omega like you!!" Her shrill voice made me wince while a deep voice whispered in my ears. "Vicious omega...I like the name." 

"Jungkook-ah....please. You are getting no younger, already close to 30, I want to see my grand-" "E-eomma! How....oh moon goddess." He sighed with his complete soul before looking at me. The way he stared at me made me think he was cursing me in his mind but then he opened his mouth, "You vicious lil omega. Cursed my already damned life." and cursed me out loud. 

"Not like you blessed mine.....brute."

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