14. Party

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Taehyung's POV

We were ready for the party. I was locking the windows when Jungkook came down in a white tucked in shirt paired with black pants. It's his all time dress up but for some reason he makes it look appealing to eyes every time. His shirt buttons seems like they are holding onto their life. The shirt isn't fit to him and I am sure the button will pop out any time now. Why is even wearing it? I was instead, dressed up in my green fitted wrap with black skinny jeans and right now choosing which shoes I should go with. I believe shoes complete your look and if you got the wrong ones on, your outfit is ruined. 

"You ready to go-...are you planning on giving them away?" He inquired while pointing at my shoe collection I dragged out. Is he out of his mind? "No idiot, I am choosing which one to wear." 

And now, we both are sitting and trying every pair on me to see which one fits. "How about oxford?" I just stared at his face on his suggestion which was enough for him to understand my response. He nodded and dropped it on floor before picking up another. "This one?" He suggested again while pointing at the knee high boots. "I am wearing jeans, you fool!" I huffed while trying on other pairs. "You know what? Go bare foot or wear my loafers or boots!" 

I ignored his ranting and picked up an ankle boot. "This is perfect!" I quickly put it on and took a look in the mirror. Yup! They go the best with my outfit. "You picked them before twice and dropped them...seriously?" He yelled with a bleak look on his face making me sigh and turn to him. "Yes. And now, it looks perfect to me. Maybe my stars were not aligned before, now they are." I deadpanned at him before walking away to wash my hands. 

When I came back to leave together, he was standing when suddenly he ran upstairs. Did he forgot to wear socks? I told him it's in the left drawer with the washed ones. When I first shifted to his room I couldn't believe how he lives his life. His all clothes, socks, washed, unwashed were kept together except his collection of formal wears. I had to show him how to manage the clothes, where to keep the washed ones and the unwashed ones and that the hook on the wall was for him to hang the clean clothes that he might wear again and not for him to hang his phone charger. It's been a week, but he is learning, slowly but steadily. He has to or I will throw him out.

"Forgot your brain?" I mocked as he came back. "Nah... I lend it to you since you don't have any." He retorted and I was going to hit him with a come back when I got a familiar scent around him. He was wearing one of the perfumes, the one for informal events which gave his already manly self a more masculine aura. "It's really good....thanks for...you know thinking about my issue and getting me this." I had no words to reply for his gratefulness so I just nodded and stood there awkwardly when he out of nowhere brought out a green box. Is that a ring box?

I looked at him with a questioning stare to which he, oh so annoyingly rolled his eyes and thrusted the box in my hand. "You said you lost your watch last week somewhere. And watch is a vital need in our life." He reasoned and shrugged, nudging me to open it. As I opened the box, inside there was a rectangle emerald green, analog watch with leather straps. It was eye catching but classical and something I would prefer. I was really lost at words because I never saw this coming. "Alpha, this...this is beautiful." I whispered as I caressed the glass. It had a small wolf crafted in silver on the inside which made it look a lot more magnificent. 

"So...a gift is what it would require for you to call me alpha?" My attention snapped back at him, frowning at his words before I realized what he was talking about. I blushed with shyness as I am not used to calling him or any one else alpha, not with so much tenderness at least. But I can't shy away so I hmphed and turned away muttering a small but audible, "Brute alpha." He surely heard it as he was chuckling before walking past me with wicked smile on his face. Subconsciously I smiled at his acts before looking down at the watch. 

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