Thirty Two

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I spent the next few days eagerly waiting for a delivery. Work was shit and my brother was just as shit but at least I had a few packages to look forward to because they were for Haydn. I wasn't a hundred percent sure that he'd like all of them but, based on the video he'd sent me, I thought they'd be necessary to emulate it.

Finally, on Thursday morning, I woke up to a few of boxes in front of my door and I felt bad for whoever delivered them because one of the boxes was as tall as I was and ridiculously heavy. The others were more reasonably sized but all of them had to be brought inside because I wasn't seeing Haydn until tomorrow.

At work, Lucas was actually a little normal. He made no mention of my brother—who, gratefully, didn't show up—and focused his efforts on the daily breakfast I'd grown accustomed to from him (coffee and some sort of pastry), and more importantly, his job. Aside from the pleasantries, we didn't talk, and I couldn't be happier. No random snacks, no cryptic thoughts, just him sitting at his desk in the corner on his computer and me at mine doing the same. Just like old times.

That is until we were packing up to leave.

"Lawrence's birthday is on Halloween, isn't it?"

I almost ignored him. I could have ignored him but I realized I wanted to know what business he had with my little brother.

"Yes," I replied. I'd regret this. "Why do you ask."

"I wanted to get him something."

"He has everything he needs," I dismissed. "Gifts are unnecessary."

He frowned. "You don't get your brother birthday gifts?"

And then that shithead had to say that and make me feel like a bad brother. We never exchanged gifts but here I was having just dropped well over a thousand dollars on Haydn for no reason other than I wanted to.

"In fairness, he doesn't get me gifts either," I retorted.

"But you're older. Shouldn't you be setting an example?"

"I didn't ask to be scolded. I answered your question. His birthday's on Halloween." I stuffed my bag and worked to shut it.

"Well, do you do anything on his birthday? I wanted to plan something for him."

Why was he acting like he genuinely cared about Lawrence? It was clear he didn't have good intentions.

"We do a family gathering. Emphasis on family."

Lucas sighed. "Well, that makes sense. Thank you."

And just like that, he was gone. Finally. But I couldn't just pretend things were okay. I stayed in my office a little longer and gave Lawrence a call.

"What do you want for your birthday?"

"Huh? We don't do gifts."

I sighed. "I can't do something nice for you?"

"You tend not to be nice to me."

Fuck. "Just tell me what you want. We're already doing a dry party."

He giggled. "Did Lucas say something?"

I furrowed my brow. "Did you expect him to?"

"Well, no but he asked what we normally did for birthdays and he was a little put off when I said we didn't do gifts."

"That's sweet," I sneered. "He might have mentioned it today."

I think he flopped down on a bed or something. "Well I don't know what to ask for," he mused. "What do you think I want?"

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