Thirty One

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A week had passed since Lawrence and Lucas went semi-public and I was practically losing my mind over the ordeal; however, I had more important things to worry about. Namely, my contract with Haydn, or lack thereof. We still met up on the intervening Friday. We had dinner at his place after we went out to Frenzy. We didn't use the private room, just sat and socialized with some of the patrons.

There was another session of the introductory course at the same time as before. Eliza arrived near when we did and we ended up sitting together with Haydn on my other side. He wasn't dressed as extravagant this time, electing instead for dress pants and a shirt that made his arms look good. Both of us still wore the cuffs he made since he was just as possessive, which I found cute.

He didn't talk to Eliza much aside from an obligatory greeting and seemed grateful to get me all to himself once everyone paired off for a review of last week's homework. The rest of the lesson consisted of a lecture on scene building, but the homework review prompted Haydn and me to set a date to work on our new contract since the previous agreement had come to an end.

This brought us to Tuesday evening, where Haydn was showing me how to make a skillet pizza and, once it was done, we sat down with our laptops to tackle our updated contract, including the new aspects of our dynamic and a six-month term. We did all of it in one go in a shared Word document.

"You spelled collar as color," Haydn teased.

"Keep up the sass and you're not gonna remember how to spell your name when I'm done with you," I shot back.

He looked up from his screen. "Is that a promise?" His eyes were all sparkly and excited. "Can you use the flogger?"

I scoffed, which turned into a proper laugh. "Yeah. Whatever you'd like, sweetheart."

"I had an idea for this Friday, though," he said, giggling too. "Or whenever, but I'm really excited for it."

I raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

He texted me a video. "Either at my place or the club would work."

"I'll look it over and get back to you on it."

He thanked me. I thanked him back. I still wasn't very good at scene creation and I was glad he was being patient with me over the whole dominance thing. The class was going well and we were having a good time on our own, it just felt like I wasn't progressing at the speed I wanted to. I wanted to please him in the ways he wanted with the out-there concepts and the confidence to actually pull them off. Especially with his interest in pup-play.

I was surprised it took him this long to mention it considering how much he was into it. I just wanted to be good enough for him and give him the support he deserved to explore this side of himself.

Two hours, a pizza, and a Hallmark movie later, our contract was done and signed and we were in my room, on my bed, a little unsure of where to go from here since we didn't have any of our normal tools or the space. Haydn was especially shy from what I'd said earlier and I knew I needed a way to break the tension.

I reached over and put on my playlist of orchestra music and watched from the corner of my eye as he perked up.

"Strip," I said.


I looked around. "Is there an echo?"

He blushed, then stood and slowly took off his shirt. The garment that fit him so nicely was folded with just as much care as how he'd removed it before he placed it on my nightstand. Then went the pants and he was standing before me with only his underwear left and he held his hands in front of his bulge, shielding it from my view as if this was the first time he'd taken his clothes off in front of someone. Like he was shy.

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