Chapter One : Transferee

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Noise... noisy. These students are acting like kids. For the love of God, they're already adults. I can't even listen properly to this podcast's I'm listening to. Well, what am I expecting? It's not like I could just yell at them and say, "Shut up" or something, I don't want to waste my voice on some people who don't even listen.

I was just minding my own business while walking down the hallway when someone taps my shoulder that made me flinch a bit. I turned to look who it was, and this girl with smooth Milky white skin, dirty blonde waist length wavy hair, Aqua blue eyes, and with her cute mole under her left eye, smiling at me like an idiot.

"What do you want, Via?" I asked her while taking off my earphones and putting it inside my school bag. I looked at her once more before walking again.

"I believe you owe me something, Mr. Sullivan" Via rolled her eyes as she held my arm. owe her? what did I ask her to do for me to owe her something?

"Owe you?" I looked down on her since her height only reached my shoulders, and it was clear that she had typical Asian genes, which I found quite remarkable.

"Yeah, I did your presentation last week, and you successfully presented them yesterday." She smiled lively as her eyes twinkled as if her aqua like eyes glow.

"I just bought you that 15k necklace yesterday," I said and removed her hands on my arm. This girl is unbelievable.

She pouted at me like a grumpy kitten while her high-pitched voice echoes through the hallway that shuts the students' stupid gossips.

"That was for last month!" She yelled. "That was for the saving your science project from those stupid jackass who hid it inside the girls' locker room." Via added, but with her calm voice.

"That was..." I looked at her with a blank stare. "That was a goddamn month ago, and you still remember it? Alright, fine! What do you want?" Knowing Avianna, she won't stop 'till she got what she wanted. So, I won't waste my time arguing with her.

She cheerfully smiled at me and clung to my arm again.

clingy brat!

"Remember that Astronomy Exhibition I was talking about last week?" I nodded after she asked. "Well, you see..." She awkwardly smiled and nervously laughed while rubbing her nape... she did something bad, isn't she?

"My dad... cut off my allowance for sneaking out last night. He even freezes my bank account and.. uhmm, I need money to buy tickets." She says straightforwardly and gives me her sweetest smile.

"You... sneak out?" She comically wiped the sweat on her forehead as i asked her that. "I-It's Lean's party last night, and you know I can't turn him down." She said and sadly pouted.

"Please?" I looked away from her as she looked up at me with her stupid puppy eyes... damn, this brat!

"Can't turn him down? I doubt it... you're just a party goer." I muttered while avoiding her eyes. she suddenly forced me to look at her face while giving me her puppy teary eyes as if she's about to cry.

"Please..." She softly pleaded. Fuck it! I hate her.

but then, I grabbed my wallet inside my pocket and gave it to her. She quickly grabbed it and smiled happily.

"I'll give this back to you at lunch!" She happily yelled while running away.

damn it! I got tricked again. She's so spoiled... and it's my fault.

I just shook my head and sighed while entering the classroom and sat on my usual seat, which was in the back of the class beside the window. As usual, the class is noisy, gossiping like how they always do... backstabbing someone, some even backstabbing their friends, two-faced people. How unfortunate for who that friend of them is. I'm not being nosy. They're just talking loud. It's annoying.

Suddenly, the classroom became quiet when our adviser went inside with an unfamiliar guy who's wearing a student uniform... probably a transferee.

"*/cough..." Mr. Alvier cleared his throat to get my classmates' attention.

"Good morning, class..." Mr. Alvier paused to see if my classmates were paying attention, and so we responded to his greeting and he smiled at us. "You see, we have a new face here... care to introduce yourself to the class?" Mr. Alvier face the transferee student.

He has a very interesting feature, he's around 6'7 tall, a messy blonde hair, pale skin, and an intriguing stormy eyes that would make you feel like drowning when you stare at it for too long. His eyes were sharp and his face has that cold expression... he's probably a nonchalant type of person.

"Theodor Javier Villafuerte..." he said shortly, his voice was deep like the deepest ocean, it's also cold like glaciers, and quiet like the night.

I was about to look away when our eyes met... And damn, that was a very cold stare right there. He looked at me like I did something wrong to him, I slowly avoided his eyes and looked outside instead.

"Hmm, that was very short, but sure... go seat beside Mr. Sullivan since it's the only vacant seat." Mr. Alvier said that made me look at him in disbelief, I already told him that I don't want any seat mates. I was about to say something when Mr. Alvier spoke again... "Don't complain, I'm too lazy to request another seat." Mr. Alvier said, and I glared at him when he called my name so that this transferee would know where to sit... I raised my hand, and the transferee walked towards me and sat on the empty seat beside mine.

Mr. Alvier told us to behave before he left the room... but then my classmates started to gossip again, but some were looking to my new seat mates direction. This is literally annoying. Some of the girls tried to talk to him, but he ignored them all.

I looked at him at the same time he looked at me, but then he glared at me once again... what the fuck is his problem? Did I do something severe to him? His fucking annoying glare are starting to get on my nerves.

"What's up with your glare? Did I put some curse on you or something?" I quietly asked as I glared back at him.

"None of your business... idiot." He muttered and looked away and focused back on his phone. The audacity of this person to gave me a very annoying deathly glare and called me an idiot. Did I kill him in our past lives or what? He's so damn arrogant and annoying.

I glared at him once more and focused on my own thing... it's better to stay away from this guy. He'd probably bring me troubles.

Theodore Javier Villafuerte.... hearing his name made me want to avoid every place he's at.


four months, eh? I almost forgot about this story. lmaoo...

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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