Chapter 18 - Revenge

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I tried to not think about what they could be doing to him while I was wasting time running in circles. I finally found what looked to be a medical wing. There were many surgery rooms with glass windows, so this must be the place. But there was something wrong. Medical instruments, glass and desks were strewn everywhere. Blood dripped on the ground.

I had a bad feeling about this.

I ran around another corner and almost screamed as I was met with the most surprising sight.


And Janson... pointing a gun at her head a few meters in front of her. With blood dripping down his face.

He was going to kill her-

"Teresa!" I cried


I flinched expecting to feel the pain at any moment but I didn't... I noticed the red circle over Teresa's heart.

Teresa looked at me. A tear slid down her face.

And she mouthed

'I'm sorry..."

She crumpled to the ground.

I looked down at her, suddenly nauseous.

Janson turned to face him with a smirk

"I wondered when you would join us,"

He pointed his gun, but as he shot I dived behind a counter. I crawled along, further into the lab.

I scanned the area for any sign of my best friend but I couldn't see anything.

"There's never one without the other is there Eleanor? Always come in two or in this case... three,"

My heart fluttered with hope. Thomas had to be here somewhere.

"Maybe Teresa wasn't worth saving for him but I'm sure he'll be a hero just for you,"

I breathed carefully through my nose to calm my rapid heartbeat.

No time to be scared.

I peered around the corner and saw Janson walking in the opposite direction.

I continued my path down the line of counters and as I turned to hide behind yet another I found him,

His eyes widened when he saw me.

I put my fingers to my mouth telling Thomas to shush as I knelt beside him.

"What are you doing here?" He whispered harshly

"Saving your ass idiot," I whispered back, moving closer.

"So Teresa..." he breathed.

"Gone- but we don't have to be the same alright? We're getting out of here... we can go out the back door-"

"No wait El..."

I cocked my head in confusion,

"This has to end now... once and for all,"

I finally understood. And I nodded slowly.

"Do you have a plan?"  I asked.


"Promise of survival?"

"Definitely not,"

"Good... it would be boring with both of them,"

One Of Us - A Gally, Maze Runner Fan FictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin