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Class barely started before their homeroom teacher walked up to the front with paper in his hands. [M/N] sighed, having a rough idea of where the adult would take this.

"Since you lot are in your last year of Junior High, it's time for you all to take your future seriously, like your future high schools..." He paused before peeking to see the classroom.

"But oh well, I know you all want to be heroes!" Their teacher threw the high school applications into the air, grinning while most of the class started to cheer, flaunting their Quirks.

[M/N] took his eyes off of them and towards his paper. Sigh, their future... Sure, he wanted to help people, but he had limited options with him still in the program.

A graduate from Yuuei being a top choice, preferably a Hero. It would show them that he was capable of defending himself, and they would let him leave the program at the age of 18.

They recently made this decision as the villain they suspected had stopped villain activity a while ago. Showing no signs of coming back, the police revealed their findings to him and the Midoriya family.

To say that he and Izuku were celebrating the news, they failed to even notice Inko still speaking with the officers. [M/N] tuned out Bakugou acting all high and mighty as he was just choosing to doodle on a spare page.

"Oh, the Midoriyas also applied to Yuuei." Sensei sighed while looking at a piece of paper. Both of the boys froze in their places before flinching from the laughter erupting from their classmates.

"The Midoriyas?! No way!!"

"Those meek boys?!"

"One of them might have a chance, the other not so much!"

"They won't survive in the exam!"

An explosion silenced everyone as Bakugou targeted Izuku, making the boy fall backward. [M/N]'s widened as he looked at the blonde glaring down at his brother. Everything seemed to slow as he stared at Bakugou.

He hoped that the blonde would feel uncomfortable due to his staring. And it worked. Before he could say anything, the teacher interrupted.

"C'mon, let us get class started." He shook his head. Bakugou scoffed, walking back to his seat while the class was smirking at each other in satisfaction.

While class was coming to an end, Bakugou and his little group of 'sidekicks', glanced over to Izuku. Now that the teacher was leaving, [M/N] stood up and walked over to his brother and looked over his shoulder.

He saw his phone was on the news that was covering what had happened in the morning. Izuku smiled a bit to himself, "Gotta take some notes when I get back." [M/N] smiled, before slowly creeping his hand onto his shoulder.

Izuku yelped and turned around only to see the long-haired boy smiling innocently at him. Izuku sighed, "You scared me!" He chuckled. [M/N] laughed before reaching for the greenette's journal.

But it was snatched away from his grasp.

Bakugou stared at them both with a scowl on his face. "What'chu got there, Katsuki?" A boy with short hair smirked as he walked over with another bully. "His Diary?"

"'Hero Analysis for the Future'?"

"You're really going to try for the national school?!" One of them laughed.

This question caused the other guy to chuckle while Bakugou sneered. [M/N] rolled his eyes as he stepped forward, furrowing his eyebrows. "C'mon, Bakugou. Give that back to Izuku."

Bakugou grumbled. "Shut up." He walked forward as his minions grabbed onto the albino.

[M/N] tsked as he was pushed away from them; he glared at the blonde but stopped due to shock as he blew up Izuku's notebook. The boy screamed in shock and then in anguish as the blonde threw it out the window.

Yoichi is Back || BNHA/MHA x M!Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن