"Right because you've always stuck right to the book haven't you?"

All eyes were watching the interaction as if it was a tennis match, flicking between the Professor and the student.

"I don't know what you think you are implying Miss Crouch-"

"She told you it was McKinnon," Fred says. "Not Crouch"

"Be quiet Mr Weasley!"

"Alright, no need to be rude," Fred grumbles as Umbridge turns her attention back to Maggie.

"Miss Crouch, I don't believe you quite understand, the Department of Magical Education did work with the staff of Hogwarts to create this curriculum for the academic year,"

"So that's why only defence against the dark arts is theoretical?" Maggie asks.

"Why on earth would you need to use practical magic?"

"To make sure we can defend ourselves?" Maggie shrugs.

"From what?"

"Murderers, any form of potential attackers, oh and Voldemort and his death eaters," Maggie says, hearing the sharp intakes of breath.

"So you are still telling those lies Miss Crouch, the hallucinations-"

"So when I spoke to Amelia Bones under veritaserum, that just doesn't count?"

"Those tapes got tampered with and damaged,"

"How about we use a pensieve?" Maggie asks. "Can't fake a memory"

"Miss Crouch, you forget your place," The pink-clad woman sneers. "Your family name has no influence anymore"

"But I do," Maggie grins at the woman. "Just one letter to the right person and you're out of here"

"Detention Miss Crouch, my office tonight, before the feast"

"Can't you assign me to another professor?"


"Fantastic," Maggie rolls her eyes. "Can this day get any fucking worse?"

"Now class, start reading chapter one of the book," Umbridge watches as all of her students begin to read the book. "Miss Crouch? Are you illiterate?"

"No, I read this book when I was eight years old," Maggie shrugs. "It's for a basic foundation of knowledge, not a N.E.W.T level foundation"

"So tell me what Slinkhard said about counter-jinxes in chapter fifteen, Miss Crouch,"

"Slinkhard says that counter-jinxes were not named properly, because he believed that "counter-jinx" was a term simply used to make jinxes seem more acceptable," Maggie says, her voice laced with boredom. "The only spells Slinkhard approves of are the Patronus charm against dementors and lethifold because there is no other protection against them and Protego. Try and ask me something that will make me engage my brain, Professor"

Umbridge's eyes narrow as Maggie answers her question flawlessly. The defiance in Maggie's tone doesn't sit well with the pink-clad professor.

"Very well, Miss Crouch," Umbridge says, her voice saccharine sweet. "Tell me about non-violent conflict resolution"

"If it were a knife fight it would work but in a world of magic, it's going to be your cause of death," Maggie shrugs. "Dark witches and wizards aren't going to listen to a moving speech about pacifism"

Umbridge's eyes narrow further, clearly displeased with Maggie's response.

"I believe, Miss Crouch, that a proper education includes principles of peace and diplomacy," Umbridge retorts. "The Ministry values witches and wizards who understand the importance of non-violent conflict resolution. Perhaps your experiences have clouded your judgment, but we are here to instill values that contribute to a harmonious magical society."

Maggie smirks, undeterred by Umbridge's attempt to put her in her place.

"Professor, in the real world, sometimes you need more than principles and diplomacy," Maggie says, her voice carrying a hint of sarcasm. "There's a reason we have duelling spells, both defensive and offensive, and it's not to engage in friendly debates with Dark wizards. But by all means, let's continue discussing hypothetical situations where we resolve conflicts through persuasive arguments while facing the Unforgivable Curses. I'm sure that'll work out splendidly."

Umbridge's face tightens with irritation, but she maintains a facade of composed authority.

"Miss Crouch, it's clear that your perspectives are deeply entrenched in a confrontational mindset," Umbridge says, her voice sugary sweet. "But in this classroom, we shall focus on the Ministry-approved curriculum, which includes the valuable teachings of non-violent conflict resolution. Now, please turn to chapter one and follow along with the rest of the class."

Maggie rolls her eyes but complies, flipping the pages of the seemingly inadequate book with an audible sigh. As Umbridge continues with her lecture on non-violent strategies, Maggie exchanges exasperated glances with Fred.

"Could this get any more absurd?"

"Just focus on the cigarette," Fred whispers to her. "Only half an hour to go"

"Thank Merlin,"

"Thank Merlin,"

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