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A loud shout startles Maggie, causing her to shoot up in surprise. The living room was a mess, with bottles and sleeping bodies strewn across the room.

As the witch walks towards the dining room, her hand instinctively reaches for her wand. She braces herself before she pushes the door open. Inside, she finds herself face to face with a stranger, whose face immediately brightens up upon seeing her.

"Oh my darling Margot, how you've grown!"

"Do I know you?" Maggie keeps her wand raised, pointing it in the woman's direction.

"Oh, yes I suppose I look rather different in my true form," The woman says, placing her suitcase on the ground.

"Who are you?" Maggie asks.

"My name is Circe, but you knew me as Cecelia,"

"You- You're-"

"Your grandmother? Yes, dear, I am,"


"When I was with your grandfather, I used a spell to make me look how I did," The woman explains. "But this is what I look like"

"Will I get a new face?" Maggie asks, her hands flying to her face.

"No, don't worry, dear," The woman shakes her head. "Your face will not change"

"Why are you here?" Maggie asks. "The last I heard you were living on an island in the Bermuda Triangle. Rather than being, you know, dead"

"Ah, yes, the fake death business," The woman grimaces. "I am sorry about that dear, but even though he was awful, I did love my son"

"You left me in that house," Maggie shakes her head. "You left a child, one of pure light or whatever bullshit you spouted, alone in a house with two monsters"

"I had no control over my return to the island. Using that spell to change my entire appearance for such a long time was terribly draining. Zeus pulled me back because he sensed I was not far from popping down to the Underworld. Until Hades felt generous enough to send me back that is"

"So why are you here?" Maggie asks.

"Well, my darling granddaughter has been without a loving family for too long," The woman says. "That will all change now"

"I have a family," Maggie says. "One I built for myself. I don't need a bored goddess slash absentee grandmother returning out of the blue"

"But they aren't blood dear," Circe smiles. "Not to worry, I understand your hesitation. I will spend however long is needed to earn back your trust"


"Remus, Sirius, can you come in here please?" Maggie calls. "Just you two!"

Remus and Sirius enter the room, their expressions shifting from curiosity to caution as they take in the presence of the unfamiliar woman whom Maggie was keeping her distance from.

"Maggie, who's this?" Sirius asks, eyeing Circe warily.

"This is... my grandmother," Maggie introduces, her tone revealing her uncertainty.

"Your grandmother?" Remus echoes, surprised. "I thought she was..."

"Having an eternal holiday on some island?" Maggie finishes his question. "I thought so too"

Circe chuckles lightly. "Oh, I did have a rather extended vacation, but the time has come for me to rejoin the world of mortals. To be with my granddaughter. Albus said he'd send a letter- Oh there!"

Startled by a loud thud, Maggie, Remus and Sirius hastily turn towards the source of the sound. To their surprise, they find an owl lying motionless on the windowsill, having hit the glass pane in its flight. Remus quickly approaches the dazed creature and gently extracts the letter tied to its leg. After ensuring that the owl is fed a treat, Remus hands the letter to Maggie who breaks the seal before scanning the contents of the letter.

Miss M. McKinnon, Mr R.J. Lupin & Mr S. Black III
I am writing to inform the three of you that Circe has been in contact and intends to visit Maggie close to Christmas

"Couldn't you have come after Christmas?" Maggie sighs, tossing the letter on the table which Sirius picks up. "Or at least had the decency to ask me if I wanted you to visit?"

"I left the island as soon as I felt you touch the necklace," Circe admits. "But Albus would not allow me to disrupt your school work"

"Considerate of him," Maggie rolls her eyes. "You're hiding something, I'm really good at spotting a liar"

"Fine," Circe sighs, sitting at the dining table. "As you know I imbued you with the magic that would have gone to Barty. However, I did not account for any residual magic in Barty's genes"


"You are not half goddess, half-witch Margot. You are more three-fifths goddess, two-fifths witch, approximately," Circe says. "But imbuing you with that magic has had some adverse effects on me"

"Such as?" Sirius asks.

"I'm ageing," Circe says. "It seems the magic transfer wasn't as clean-cut as I thought. But I've come to accept it. Mortality has its own charms, you know."

"And what about the magic I have?" Maggie questions.

"It's yours, Maggie," Circe reassures her. "I have no intention of taking it back. You are my legacy, and I want you to embrace who you are, not take any of that away from you"

Remus steps forward, placing a hand on Maggie's shoulder. "Maggie, are you okay with this? With her being here?"

"I don't know. I just need some air,"

 I just need some air,"

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