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"The Patronus Charm," Harry says to the group of students who were watching him

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"The Patronus Charm," Harry says to the group of students who were watching him. "It is one of the most famous and powerful defensive charms in the Wizarding world. This specific spell focuses on the caster's positive emotions and turns them into powerful protection. This creates the Patronus which is the primary defence against both Dementors and Lethifolds, against which there are no other defences"

"Did little Hazza P pick up a book?" George whispers.

"He's best friends with a walking talking book," Fred replies.

"Both of you shush," Maggie nudges them. "You both have two ears for a reason. Use them. We still have our defence against the dark arts exam left"

"Then we're all done," Fred grins.

"Goodbye education,"

"So long boredom,"

"How is the form decided?" Luna asks Harry who looks at Hermione for help.

"If you produce a corporeal Patronus, it will take the shape of an animal," Hermione says. "It's the strongest form of Patronus as it can fully drive dementors away. The animal formed varies from person to person and it reflects each individual's innermost personality. The most common corporeal forms of patronus on record are cats, dogs and horses due to their long affinity with humans"

"The incantation is simple," Harry says. "Two words; Expecto Patronum. The hard part is the concentration, picking the memory that truly makes you feel joy. Now, have a try"

The dimly lit room echoes the sound of young students chanting, their voices rising and falling as they try to summon their patronus. Amidst the commotion, Maggie takes a moment to settle herself, closing her eyes and focusing on a happy memory.

In her mind's eye, a blonde woman appears, singing a soft and soothing lullaby. The memory fills Maggie with warmth and comfort, and she takes a deep breath, raising her wand.

"Expecto Patronum!"

With a swift flick of Maggie's wrist, a burst of bright white light shoots out of her wand, twisting and turning until it takes the shape of a silver swan. The bird glides effortlessly around the room, spreading its wings and twirling in the air before disappearing. Maggie's face brightens up with a wide smile as Fred wraps his arm around her shoulders.

"My fourth try," Fred huffs, readying his wand. "Girlfriend gets it in one, obviously-"

"Stop being bitter and just try again," Maggie giggles.

Fred closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before casting the spell. A light emerges from his wand and a magpie flies out, flitting around the room before joining George's magpie which appears not long after.

"See?" Maggie claps her hands together. "I knew you could do it"

Maggie's attention is suddenly drawn to a loud and unsettling rattle coming from above. As she looks up, she notices the chandelier starting to shake uncontrollably. The room seems to be trembling, causing everyone to exchange concerned glances. Suddenly a portion of the stone wall is blown out, revealing the twisted and sickly sweet smile of Delores Umbridge.

"I'll make this quick," The woman says. "Bombarda Maxima!"

As the wall caves in with a deafening roar, Fred instinctively wraps himself around Maggie, shielding her from the flying debris. Chunks of concrete rain down on them, and thick clouds of dust engulf the area, making it difficult to breathe. Maggie coughs and recoils, her blonde hair now coated with a layer of fine dust. She waves a hand in front of her face, trying to clear the air slightly.

Maggie watches as Crabbe pulls Cho Chang into view, the girl lifts her head to reveal 'SNEAK' written across her head in bright red pimples. Despite the seriousness of the current situation, Maggie can't stop the snort that falls from her lips.

"Maggie, time to run love," Fred says, tugging on Maggie's sleeve towards a door that had formed further down in the room.


Maggie nods as they begin to back away before darting out of the door with the rest of the students. Once they emerge further down the hall, the students scatter in different directions, trying to avoid being caught. However members of the Inquisitorial Squad soon begin to chase after them, their footsteps growing louder and closer with each passing second.

"Shit, shit, shit!" Maggie curses, looking back to see Gemma Fawcett and Graham Montague chasing her, Lee, Cedric and the twins.

Maggie ducks when a spell goes whizzing past her head. The witch fires a spell back, sending Fawcett tumbling to the ground.

"It's a school club, calm down!" George shouts.

Maggie and the others dodge and weave through the corridors, doing their best to avoid the pursuing members of the Inquisitorial Squad. They manage to cast a few well-aimed spells to slow down their pursuers, giving the group a brief advantage.

As they turn a corner, Maggie spots a partially hidden door leading to a broom closet. Without hesitation, she signals the others to follow her, and they slip into the small space just in time. The door creaks shut as Gemma and Montague rush past, unaware of the students hiding mere feet away.

"Well, this is cosy," George murmurs.

They were like sardines in a can, pushed up against each other as they listen for any more footsteps. Maggie was squashed into the corner of the broom closet, taking deep breaths to try and stop the oncoming panic attack.

"Someone say something," Maggie whispers. "Anything!"

"So, this weather has been quite nice recently," Lee whispers.

"Yeah, great,"


"They're gone," George whispers.

"Well, get out of the fucking closet then!" Maggie hisses.

"Alright! Bloody hell!"

"Alright! Bloody hell!"

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