King Kai...

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He had left Princess Snake in Age 779.

It was now Age 780, and Raditz grew to hate the sparseness of interesting things on Snake Way.

Perhaps his stay with Princess Snake had spoiled him.

And unfortunately, he didn't know much more about the road than before he met her.

He had been told, though, that there was a lone 'Kai' person who was somewhere along the road. He hadn't been told where, or what he looked like. He didn't bother to ask. Maybe he already met him. That blue truck driver?

Raditz didn't really regret leaving her. 'It was for the best,' he thought.

He felt like he needed to 'take a breath of fresh air' - to walk a while.

But that had been a year ago.

'Find a greater purpose'? He didn't feel as inclined to anymore.

Strong footsteps.

Sharp breaths.

Sullen eyes.

"I feel like I've been walking on this damned path for centuries... Is there no end to this thing?"

He was adjusting his arm band when he stopped on reflex.

There was no more path.


Holy cow.

He'd walked a million miles. (The princess had clued him in on just how long that was one time.)

'I... made it to the end?'


"Oh, shit. Now what do I do?! Go back?! There's... there's nothing else here after all!" He yelled, looking left and right.

"...Hey!" a distant voice yelled back.

Raditz frantically looked around for the source of the voice in surprise.

"Look up, dummy!"

He looked up in confusion.

There sat a small green planetoid with a single road on it. The singular car on the road beeped.

Raditz squinted and saw a blue skinned guy wave at him. But it wasn't the truck driver.

"Hello down there! Wanna come up here so I don't have to yell?!" the cranky voice told him. Of course, this fellow could have communicated telepathically, but he wasn't gonna do it for someone really close by.

Raditz ascended and wobbled from the unprecedented change in gravity. 'Feels as strong as Planet Vegeta's...'

He landed on the grass and saw the short pointy-eared man approach him.

"Well hello, stranger. What brings you here?" He then held his hand up to stop him. "Oh wait, let me take a little guess, since you looked so disappointed there was "nothing here" - Are you here to seek training from me?"

"Training? Combat training?" Raditz asked.

"Yep, that's the one people usually ask for nowadays. Hmph. It's been a while since anyone wanted my comedy training..." he huffed.

"Are you sure that someone such as yourself could even lift a log, let alone train me?" Raditz responded in doubt.

"Excuse me?! I am the great King Kai! I'll bet you've never had a more skilled teacher than me! And I'm much stronger than you think!" King Kai snapped indignantly.

"You're King Kai? Hm. Princess Snake told me you were around."

"Oh, that woman? What else did she tell you about me?" King Kai asked suspiciously.

Raditz's Quest to Escape From HellWhere stories live. Discover now