Chapter 5- Unknown feelings

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Vi reached at their house after dropping Anushka with a goofy grin and he was going to open the door but stopped and pressed the bell. No one opened the door so now he called Ro "Hello if it is you on the gate use your key and open the door we are in my room don't worry." Ro said and hung up.

"So rude." Vi said rolling his eyes and went inside his room tip toeing not bothering to disturb them more. He freshened up and sat on his bed leisurely scrolling his phone and subconsciously searched about Anushka in google (yes Vi we believe you)

He saw some articles about spotting her today at the ad shoot, it also had him and he frowned looking at the headline.

'New love birds in town? Star cricketer Virat Kohli and bollywood actress Anushka Sharma spotted near the latter's apartment'

"What the hell is wrong with these people? Just because I go to drop her that means we are dating?" Vi thought and against his better judgement clicked the link.

'After breaking up with _______ who allegedly cheated on the actress, Anushka was spotted with cricketer Virat Kohli. Is their a romance brewing between these two?' The article read

"He cheated on HER unbelievable!" Ro said rolling his eyes "Never mind these might be false too like the dating rumors." he added on a second thought.

Vi was looking at their old photos and scowling at the screen when Ro barged in the room "What are scowling at?" he asked peeking in the room.

"Oh ho Vi jealous are you?" Ro asked and now Vi directed that scowl at him "What would I be jealous for? We just met today we aren't even friends." he said

"Oh I'll let you live in denial Vi for a few days then." Ro said wagging his eyebrows "They broke up right?" he asked frowning thinking something "This article says so." Vi said shrugging trying to act nonchalant but failing.

"Yeah you are not fooling me Vi." Ro said gently in all seriousness and decided to drop this topic "So tell me how did it go?" he asked.

"It was good only except the starting part, and I told you about everything else. Yo know she uses her tube of cream squeezing and rolling it till the last drop just like us. She told me how she also came from a middle class family. That made me relax and relate to her." Vi said with a soft smile.

 "She does seem like a nice human being." Ro said sensing something different from Vi, something more which he himself couldn't pin point like things are gonna change. Vi nodded and said "Yeah she really is."

Ro shook his head and said  "What are you doing now? Let's go watch something." Ro said shaking Vi who staring ahead with a soft smile on his face.

"Yeah? Yeah a movie, yes let's watch a movie. I'll let you pick one." Vi said getting up "Ok let's watch Rab ne bana di jodi." Ro said with a cheeky smile and Vi whined "Rooooooo" as he dragged Vi to the living room.

Anushka's house

Anushka came out of shower after getting freshened up and was sitting with a cup of coffee when her door bell rang. She opened it to find Kanika standing their with food bags and raised her eyebrow "What are you doing here?" and asked.

Kanika barged in pushing Anushka to the side and said "I don't need invitation to come to your house Nush." rolling her eyes and kept the bags on table. She fished her phone out of her bag, scrolled on it and thrusted it towards Anushka's face.

"What is this Ms. Sharma???" Anushka squinted her eyes and saw that their were photos of Virat dropping her and the headline was speculating whether they were dating.

Anushka rolled her eyes and said "Are you really believing this stupid rumors Kanu? You know na how nasty these media people are, I am not dating anyone lest a person I met for the first time."

"Nush I know you are not dating him but he came all the way to drop you doesn't that mean something?" Kanika said wagging her eyebrows with a teasing smile.

"Please Kanika he just came by to drop me because he's a genuinely good human being. Also even is I take interest in him-" Anushka was saying but was cut off by a squeal of excitement from kanika "So you do have interest huh" she said

"Can you listen to me once? I was saying I can't have any romantic interest in him because he is already dating someone." Anushka said rolling her eyes with a sad smile which she couldn't quite decipher, why was she even sad?

"WHATTTTT??? THERE IS NO NEWS ABOUT IT." Kanika screamed horrified "Talk softly you idiot and yeah what you just said  shows that they are pretty secretive about it." Anushka said.

"Who is he even dating and how do you know that?" Kanika asked dejected at the thought of her best friend loosing out on a chance at finding love.

"I saw it with my own eyes and no I won't tell you I am sorry. They have kept it a secret for some reason na I can't gossip about them like that." Anushka said solemnly.

"Nushhh pleasseee na I am your best frienddd." Kanika whined "I said no." Anushka said sternly and Kanika just pouted and went to sit at the table.

Anushka softened at that and went to her, hugged her from behind and asked "What did my best friend bring for me huh?" Kanika just huffed and pushed the bag in her direction. Anushka opened it and brightened instantly.

"You brought me dahi bhallas, papdi chat and aloo tikki!!" She said cheerfully "I love you sooo much Kannuuu." she said hugging her again and this time Kanika melted.

"Yeah yeah enough of this drama. Let's eat now and remember I won't sit still till you find love." Kanishka said freeing herself from Anushka.

Anushka went to the kitchen behind her to take the plate with a frown. She had a feeling like she was missing out on some information like her sixth sense was tingling but she just shook her head and told herself it might just be tiredness.

A/N: I asked for 30 comments but I did not get them :(((( sad for me but nvm. Please vote and comment on this one as I love to read your views on various scenes. If you have any requests ping me. Thanks!

Till next time TOOODLLLLEESSSS!!!

Words: 1086

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