"Too bad, I can't remove my shirt here." Seungcheol acted sulky, "We can go back in the room if you want."

"I swear I'll beat the shit out of you." Jeonghan scoffed, "It was just a slip of tongue."

"I know I know." Seungcheol laughed, "I just love the rare sight of you being flustered."

"Not a good sign." Jeonghan rolled his eyes.

Seungcheol squinted his eyes, "Is that an ice-cream stall?"

"Where?" Jeonghan looked in the same direction, "Oh it is."

"Then let's go!!" Seungcheol practically dragged him along with him.

"Which one do you want?" Seungcheol asked.

"Cookies and cream." Jeonghan answered.

"Okay." Seungcheol nodded, "One cookies and cream, one oreo."

"Here you go, young man." The cheerful shop owner handed him the dessert after which Seungcheol payed him the desired amount.

"Here." Seungcheol held a spoonful of ice cream from his own cup against the younger's mouth, "Try mine too."

"Oh thank you!" Jeonghan gladly accepted it after which he noticed that Seungcheol ate from the same spoon without any hesitation. He just smiled as he felt a bit giddy from the inside and he couldn't understand why.

Do you worry about me every morning?
Firework launched in the middle of the sea
My heart is exploding, it feels like my heart, any day, any place

"Yours look good too." Seungcheol took a bite from Jeonghan's ice cream, "Oh it's definitely deli- Jeonghan? What happened?"

"Uh what?"

"Why were you staring at me like that?" Seungcheol looked at the younger one keenly, "Oh wait- I didn't ask you before taking a bite, sorry-"

"No it's fine, it's fine." Jeonghan assured, "I was just thinking about something."

"You can tell me if something's bothering you." Seungcheol continued to walk.

"You changed drastically after our last argument." Jeonghan stated, "It's so sudden that it's hard for me to figure out if you're just covering up your actual feelings because you feel pity on me."

"What are you even talking about Jeonghan?" Seungcheol genuinely asked, "Why would I pity you?"

"No like, earlier we used to fight a lot because of course you hated me or something. Then I tried to make it up for my mistake once again but we used to get into an argument every now and then." Jeonghan explained, "But after our last argument, over your schedule, you even warned me to stay away from you. But then, suddenly you were okay with fixing everything and being friends again."


"That's why I think you're just covering up your true feelings because you feel bad for me." Jeonghan looked towards the road, "I honestly don't know whatever I did when I was drunk in my office and you brought me back. But I just hope I didn't do anything hurtful to you. If you still hate me, you can, you've the right to. I don't want you to forgive me just because you feel bad for me."

"Jeonghan, listen here." Seungcheol turned his gaze towards the younger, "Hate is really a strong word. I don't hate you, I never did. And about the drastic change you're talking about, it's because I'm probably tired of pretending to be someone I'm not."


"Yeah." Seungcheol nodded, "Of course I was mad at you but I never hated you. I was hurt and vulnerable which led to me being insecure about myself. I just feared that I might get hurt again if I open up to you once again."

ARRANGED | SVT | Jeongcheol Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ