10. A Father's/Husband's Hidden Side

Start from the beginning

"He... Hehehehe..." Akito started to laugh in a low voice which alarmed the two women as they looked at him.

Hinata lost her heat at the moment that she got from her anger as she looked at her father timidly while Kaori was guilty but was also shocked when he heard him as she has never heard him laugh like that. After a few seconds he stopped laughing as the two looked at him.

"So, that's what it took you to take his side. Money and sex? When I had worked tirelessly for 17 years of your life taking care of you since you were a baby and doing my job to make money. You forgot all of that for one guy who is only using you for your body. Is that it?" Akito said as he looked at them with eyes of fury.

Both of them were shocked and scared when they saw the anger in his eyes as they both went pale, moreso Hinata as she was the one who had just yelled at her father. She went and hugged Kaori as the mother also hugged her daughter in fear.

"D-Dad. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. It was just a spur of the moment." Hinata said as she trembled from his gaze.

"She's right Akito. Calm down. We can talk this out." Kaori said to him as she hugged her daughter.

But he then turned his gaze to his wife and looked at her eyes.

"Eek!" Both women let out sounds when they saw him.

"No. I heard enough. Clearly you two are not going to listen to me. So there's no reason for me to talk to you now." Akito said to them as he stood up.

"Wh-Where are you going?" Kaori asked her husband at seeing him.

"I'll go where the fuck I want. You two whores just stay in this apartment." Akito said to them angrily as he went out of the house.

The two were surprised at his sudden change in attitude before their minds caught up to what he had said. Hinata turned to her mother scared as she looked at her.

"M-Mom, Dad didn't actually call us that did he? I mean, he is too nice to actually say that." Hinata said to her scared.

"I... I heard him call us that. I never... I never saw him act like this ever. He has never cursed before." Kaori said to her scared as the two looked at the door in fear.

Meanwhile Akito was riding his car and still has the angry look on his face. He rode and reached a ground where trash has been gathered in heaps and entered into the inner section and parked it. He exited his car and leaned on it as he waited with an angry look on his face. Soon he heard the sound of a car revving as he looked at the entrance and saw an expensive car drive in and park and out came the douchebag.

The guy smirked arrogantly at him as he glared at him in response to it as he walked to him as he walked to him with the douchebag doing the same. Then the two were in front of each other as the douchebag was looking smugly at him while Akito is glaring at him with fury.

"What do you want? Another USB?" The douchebag asked him with a smirk.

"No. I want you to stay the fuck away from the both of them from now on." Akito said to him angrily.

"And why should I do that?" Douchebag asked him smugly.

"Because you're going to regret it." Akito said to him angrily.

But Douche didn't take him seriously and let out a chuckle in response.

"And why the fuck should I be scared of you? You're nothing more than a guy who only makes five digits in a month and is skinny and not even good in bed. You're nothing but a loser compared to me and I'm sure I taught the two of them that." Douche said to him in a mocking tone.

"I'm warning you. Get the fuck out of this place and we can end this peacefully because I'm finding it really difficult to restrain myself." Akito said to him, voice filled with anger.

"Is that so? Hmm... how about no." Douche said to him before he punched his right cheek.

Akito staggered from the attack and managed to get balance as he looked at the boy with anger as he rubbed his cheek. While Douche gave him a condescending smirk.

"Like I said, you're nothing. I'll take both your wife and daughter, they have great bodies after all, not to mention the money I can make from them." Douche said to him with a smirk on his face.

Akito clenched his hands when he heard that as he stood tall and glared at the student with hate in his eyes as he felt his body heating up and his heartbeat increasing as his blood was pumping from the anger he was feeling for the one in front of him.

"Guys like you always mistake a person's kindness for weakness. Well, time for me to teach a good for nothing brat like you an actual lesson." Akito said to him with a glare.

Douche lost his smile when he heard Akito call him brat as he glared at him.

"You really like to run your mouth before getting your ass whipped huh old man." Douche said to him with a glare.

"I'm not a teacher, but I'm an adult. And it's time that I taught a brat like you that we adults aren't fools." Akito said to him with a glare as he loosened his tie.

Douche frowned and decided that it was enough and went for another punch but Akito dodged it before he punched his armpit causing pain to shoot through the guy's arm. But he didn't have time as his face met the man's fist drawing blood as his nose was broken. But it didn't end as his head was grabbed by two hands as he saw a knee before it impacted his face as it drew more blood.

Akito landed on the ground as the Douche staggered back as he held his nose. He took a few seconds to recover and then glared at the man before ran towards him with a roar and punched him on his face before following with a few more as he smiled. But he got an uppercut which caused him to fall back as he caught himself before he got a powerful punch to his solar plexus as he wheezed a bit but he was kneed on his face.

The douche staggered back as he kneeled on the ground and looked at Akito as he looked like he hadn't taken that much damage as the man looked at him.

"You know, despite you having those muscles it won't do a thing. Just because you weight lifted and increased your muscle mass, it won't help. Your unhealthy body will work against you. While mine, heh, I have kept it clean for as long as I live and aside from the common cold I never had another other problems. Compared to your body which has been damaged by the fast food and other unsavory that the children from your generation eat my body is very healthy. Which means that I can fuck you up right now." Akito said to him with a glare.

"You bastard!" Douche shouted as he lunged at him.

Only for Akito's foot to hit his face as he fell back before his shirt was grabbed and pulled before he got another knee to the face before drawing more blood causing the teen to have trouble seeing clearly. But Akito didn't waste anytime and punched his neck blocking his windpipe before he clapped the sides of the teens head causing him to be discombobulated before he was kicked on his jaw breaking it as he fell back.

Akito glared at the teen and raised his leg before putting it down with great force right on his dick. Douchebag immediately screamed but was silenced by a punch to his face before his head was grabbed by Akito before he slammed him head first into the ground as a loud THUD was heard before he went limp as Akito stood up and looked at the teen.

He then looked to the side and at the pile of metallic waste as he smiled at seeing it.

'After this I need to make a call and also make sure that Kaori and Hinata know their place in my house. Which is under me.' Akito thought to himself as he walked to the pile.

A/N: This is a long one. What do you want me to do about the relationship between the three of them?
Does Akito need to do anything to the car or what?
And who do you guys think Akito wants to call?

Stay safe, late Happy New Year.

And finally, Death to NTR!

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