4. Rules

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I make my way over to the comfortable looking arm brown leather chairs sitting in front of the dark wooden desk in the middle of the room. I take a seat and glance around at my surroundings.

The walls are painted a maroon colour, and the floors are a dark hardwood. There is a red patterned rug placed in the middle of the room where the arm chairs and the desk are. Behind the desk are some dark wood bookshelves full of old books and documents. There is a PC on top of the desk with a lamp and other papers and documents. Old looking paintings lined the walls, and the windows were covered with blackout shades.

Victor takes a seat at his brown leather office chair. Orientating himself, he looks over at my timid body.
I would be lying if I were to say I wasn't nervous. My father's killer and my kidnapper sitting before me.

"So Ivy, we have a lot of discuss. I will try not to keep you long, so let's get into the basics." he says sternly.

I nod. Too nervous to speak. My throat feels scratchy and I can barely get a word out. This seems good enough for Victor as he continues on with what he was saying.

"Let's start with house rules." he says casually as if he didn't kidnap me.

"House rules?" I interject.

"Yes. During your time here little sister, you will be following some rules. I am your guardian, it's my job to keep you safe and ensure your well-being is alright." he replies as if he didn't kidnap me.

"I'm confused. You're not going to kill me?" I instantly cover my mouth after saying that fighting back tears. I don't know what came over me.

Victor looks at me. His eyes soften as he looks at the fear in my eyes.

"Sorella, I'm not going to hurt you. You're my little sister. I could never do anything to harm you." he states with a softer tone. "I know you're afraid of me. You were 14 and you watched me kill father. But it had to be done. He killed mama, and you would've been next. It was self defence." he stops to take a deep breath. "I promise you Ivy, I will protect you. You're not alone anymore. I'm sorry I didn't protect you and mama from father earlier. I should've known. I failed you as your older brother." there was a genuine look of concern and sorrow in his eyes. Maybe I could trust him?

I glance at him. He was right. Father was abusive and Mom and I hid it well from my brothers. Maybe I overreacted. But that still doesn't change the fact that I was kidnapped and that I don't want to be here. I was taken from my life and forced back into this one. Kids used to bully me and call me "Poison Ivy" because I was annoying just like the plant. I don't know if I can return to that.

Victor did just open up to me. Maybe if I gain their trust, I can escape.

He continues with what he was saying, the sternness returns to his eyes. "Anyways, House Rules. I try not to be too strict, however with your little stunt you pulled off 3 years ago and the past couple of weeks, I think it's fair that we have stricter rules for you for a little bit. Just until your other brothers and I can trust you." he looks at me waiting for a response. I nod.

"First things first, there will be no drugs, sex, or alcohol. You're 17, far too young to be involved with any of that. Though from what we discovered when going through your belongings, we won't have an issue with that." he states.

They went through my belongings? Do I really not get any privacy in this household??

"Please keep your grades up at school. I was looking through your marks at your public school, and it appears that you have a clean record. No detentions, straight As and a couple Bs. I expect nothing less when you start back at your previous private school in a couple months." he says with pride in his voice.

I guess good grades are important to him.

"When you return to school, no boyfriends. I'm fine with you being friends with boys, but your brothers and I must approve of them before you can hang out with them. This is for your safety, and you're 17. Far too young for relationships."

Not an issue for me. I've never been interested in boys.

"Lastly, this rule is hopefully temporary. You are not to go anywhere without one of your brothers or hired staff. We can't trust that you won't run away again, so we will be hiring people to make sure you're where your supposed to be at all times." he says sternly.

Of course. There it is. The "you can't leave" rule.

I nod. Nothing else I really can do. If I try to run right now, they'll just catch me and get stricter. I have to pretend to follow through so that I can plan my escape.

"Do you have any questions?" he asks me.

I shake my head no. Nothing right now. I'm stuck here as a prisoner. What else is there to ask?

"Oh one more thing." he reaches into his desk and pulls something out. He hands me a plastic card with my name on it.

"Here's your credit card. Paid for by me. Everyone in this family gets $10k to spend monthly. I've given you a $50k this month so that you can get all the things you need. Clothes, electronics, decor for your bedroom, and anything else you desire. We want you to be happy here." he says with a slight smile on his face.

I look down at the card and glance back at my brother. "Thank you." is all I can manage to get out. I know this is a bribe to keep me here, but dang this is more than I made a year when I was in hiding.

"Landon will take you shopping tomorrow. It will be a good bonding experience and it will get you out of the house. Whenever you wish to do such activities, just ask us."

I nod once again.

Oh so they want me to be a privileged prisoner?

"One more thing, you are welcome to explore anywhere in the house. However, unless I call you up here personally you are forbidden from going up to the third floor and there will be no reason for you to be going to the basement which you are also forbidden from going to. We do our work on both the third floor and the basement. It's not work that concerns you." he states.

"What is your work?" I ask curiously.

"We own a number of different businesses such as hotels, restaurants, and casinos. We inherited them from father." he answers quickly and smoothly.

I doubt that's true. Sounds like a cover story. We both know my family is doing something much more sinister and I will find out what that is.

"Oh, okay." is once again all I manage to get out.

"You are dismissed. It was lovely talking to you again Ivy." he stands up from his chair.

I stand up grabbing the credit card and make my way towards the door. Victor escorting me out. Stepping outside the door, I prepare to head back to my bedroom.

"Oh and Ivy?" I turn my head back to hear Victor's voice once more. "Your brothers and I prefer verbal answers next time. I will let you off the hook this time since you're new to all this, but in the future, verbal responses."

There it is. The bossy brother I'm used to.

"I understand" I respond. No reason to start an argument while I'm trying to get them to trust me.

"I will see you at dinner in 3 hours." he responds before going back into his office.

As I head down the steps towards my bedroom, I question his intentions.

What are you hiding Victor Romario?


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