Chapter 40 (First Draft)

Beginne am Anfang

Penn marvelled for a moment at the idea she might have family in the vastness of space that were waiting to reunite with her, and celestial stars at that too. It was quite mind boggling. Especially when she thought of her birth pack. She was sure that neither her parents or brothers even thought she was alive. They certainly weren't waiting for her return. That would be a fairy tale indeed.

However, the thought of an immortal family of star people waiting for her was just as far fetched. How could she possible be a Soul Star or even the descendent of one? If she looked over her life there was nothing about her that hinted in the least at any such immortal connections. She was just a peculiarity and a cast off. And, she was more and more okay with that now, knowing there were wolves out there who loved her regardless. She thought sweetly of the pups, and Troy in particular.

But what was this business about her number of days here in the mortal realm? It sounded ominous and Penn found herself eyeing the Master of Fate with some suspicion.

"The number of my days are written where?" she asked warily.

"In the Book of Destiny," he clarified for her.

"And what does it say there about my life here?" she inquired.

He scoffed, "It is forbidden to read the book."

Penn raised a quizzical eyebrow, but said no more about it.

"So, you are offering me an unknown future here in the mortal world, or you'll give me all my memories back and send me home to the stars?" she asked slowly and with some reservation.

"Essentially," he agreed.

"What's the catch?" Penn pressed. It was just too simple wasn't it? There had to be a price.

"You will forget this life," he told her without pause or apology. "And, you will not return to Yueliang Nushen."

"Who or what is that?" Penn quizzed the icy immortal.

"Your Moon goddess," he returned.

Penn frowned. What did he mean by that? Hadn't the elders said she and Moon goddess were soul-tied or bound or something like that? Doesn't the Moon goddess want her back? Penn felt like that was the gist of what the elders were saying. Now she wished more than ever that she'd paid closer attention to what they'd been telling her just moments ago instead of wasting her time trying to shift in her new body. 

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