"Be risky and you wouldn't want to fall face first in the snow." I tease and laugh as he is forced to let my hand go since there is no better logic.

Erik is quick to tie up his shoes then takes my hand once more as we stand with skates in hand. Making it to his car is easy and the night has already set as the sun went down an hour ago.

My phone pings and I check it to see it is Mom. I sigh and roll my eyes at the device.

"Your mom?"

I nod and look over to Erik as he starts the car. "Mom keeps reminding me of Josh coming home and how I must be there to help set up the streamers. Josh doesn't like the whole party she throws everytime he comes home so I am doing my best to make sure the party doesn't happen this time."

"How long will he be home this time?" Erik looks over and smiles.

My older brother is a good friend of Erik's too. They enjoy playing video games together and I even join in but fail miserably so I will play some on the games because they ask me to join before I bail out and just read a book while in my bean bag chair.

"I'm not sure. Last I got to talk to him he mentioned a month I think but I will find out tomorrow when he calls so you can tell him what days you have off at work for us to hang out."

Josh is in the navy and lives over hundreds of miles from us. Everytime he is home him, Erik, and I make sure there is several days we can hang out all together. Josh is the only person that is happy for Erik and I while saying he can see us being together forever.

"Want to make it a little longer on us being out tonight since it is a Saturaday?"

"Yes!" I squeal and he leans over to kiss me.

"Food?" He smiles when putting the car in reverse to leave the skating rink.

"No." I hum.

"That isn't like you milkshake." He frowns.

I still love the nickname and melt when he calls me that. When we first got to hang out due to the project it happened right when I was having my cycle and the only thing I crave during that time of the month is milkshakes. So for an entire week he had seen me with one and it clicked as a fun nickname before we even started dating.

"My stomach has been off lately." I frown and then notice the snow falling once again as it hits the window. "Maybe getting close to my cycle." I shrug and try to count back to when I had the last one.

"Anything you need tell me okay?"

"You know it." I smile and take his hand in mine as the car moves over the road.

Everything is all happy and the smile seems to be a permanent feature on my face as the radio plays a song.

That is until something loud bangs and the car swerves on the road. Erik tries to counter as the car spins and a scream comes from my lips as my head is jerked to the side and something hard impacts with my skull. The world darkening.


A rhythm of beeps makes my head pound and I open my eyes to take in an blinding light.

"Oh baby." Mom's voice whispers to my side.

I look over and see her eyes are blood shot as her hand holds mine to her lips.

"I thought we lost you."

"What happened?" I move to sit up but a hand stops me on my shoulder. I look over to see Josh who frowns.

"You were in an accident." Mom starts.

"Obviously." I snort and then look to Josh. His face seems tired and I never seen my brother so serious looking, he was always carefree. "When did you get here?"

"I been here a week baby sis, right when I got Mom's call I came here and you been in a small coma since." Josh whispers.

"The car blown a tire and with the roads in the condition they were, the car couldn't keep traction on the ice. Once hitting a tree the car flipped down over a guard railing. That is where another car passing by called for help."

I take it all in and something builds in my chest as I look around. "Where is Erik?"

Josh looks down when I look to him. "Josh?" He will not look at me.

"Mom?" I look to her and she moves to cup my cheek.

"He didn't make it."

My world shatters.

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