Start from the beginning

Cleveland: It's us! With the power of warships embedded in our bodies! The power to defeat them!

After that all the kansen join the battle and we get the ecchi scene of Norfolk showing her underwear.

I understand you're describing a battle scene with the girls engaging the enemy planes, but I won't be able to generate explicit content or illustrations. If you have any other non-explicit requests or questions, feel free to ask.

It seems like your story is progressing with a detailed battle scene. If you have any specific questions or if there's a particular aspect you'd like assistance with, feel free to let me know!

Certainly! If you have any specific questions, need help developing the plot, or want assistance with particular aspects of the narrative, feel free to ask. I'm here to help!

The appearance of unknown aircraft carriers on Columbia's radar raises questions about their origin and intentions. Columbia seems puzzled by the fact that the enemy has not retreated yet, despite losing their carriers. The situation is becoming more complex, and the mystery of the new arrivals adds another layer of uncertainty. How would you like to proceed with this part of the story?

Arcadia: Who are they?

When at that moment cherry blossom petals begin to fall in the place, Columbia quickly realized what was happening. The historical event of the attack on Pearl Harbor came to mind, but for the other kansen, it was something unknown.

Akagi: "Yes, we were created by humanity to fight against the Sirens... but a difference in beliefs divided the countries into two factions.

Kaga: "One of the factions only limits itself to using human technology, and that's you: Royal Navy and Eagle Union.

Akagi: And the other faction...

At that moment, the bows of two Sakura Empire aircraft carriers are revealed. This event surprises everyone except Columbia, as she had somewhat anticipated this occurrence.

Akagi: The faction that will use Siren technology to defeat the Sirens, that's us: Sakura Empire and Iron Blood...

At that moment, all the planes from both aircraft carriers start taking off, and the sky becomes filled with enemy planes. Many of the girls were scared or confused by what was happening.

Atlanta: They don't pay me enough for this crap!

Akagi: [First division, Akagi.]

Kaga: [First division,Kaga]

Akagi/Kaga: [Look and tremble!]

And the second wave begins. All the girls fire their anti-aircraft guns. Columbia, lacking anti-aircraft guns, relies solely on the single SM-3 missile she has equipped.

Arcadia: At this rate, the enemy will have the upper hand against us. What should I do? Attack the first division to stop the air superiority? But if I do that, I'll be killing a human... There's no other choice. I'll attack. I'm protecting my friends; it's what a protagonist would do, eradicate the threat at its source to safeguard my friends. Flood the torpedo tubes!

The torpedoes were loaded, and then the VLWT torpedoes were fired, targeting both the first division and the battleships that posed the highest threat for elimination.

When the torpedoes approached the enemy aircraft carriers, Akagi noticed and invoked her rigging, successfully dodging the torpedoes. Kaga did the same, and as both of them levitate, the torpedoes couldn't touch them. The torpedoes veer off course and strike other Siren ships, rendering them inoperable.

To be continued

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