Inosuke Hashibira

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a = aftercare
(what they're like after sex)

Inosuke would probably convey his worry and concern in a special way. Even if he isn't the best with words, he would still convey his love by actions.

This might be checking on his partner's comfort, bringing them food or drink, or even offering to assist in tending to any injuries they may have received.

His unique mix of honesty and harshness would define aftercare, showing that beneath his rough demeanor lurks a deeply compassionate man who will always be there for those he cares about.

b = body part
(their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)

Inosuke may find himself pulled to his companion's hands. He would see the tenderness and consideration with which they handle things, whether they were fighting or just hanging out.

Their hands are a symbol of their warmth and kindness, which Inosuke much admires but may not always express.

Their hands intertwined is a simple yet strong symbol of their relationship that may reassure and comfort him.

One might be drawn to Inosuke's eyes, as they are his partner's favorite body part. His companion may find themselves lost in the depths of his look as they mirror his inner power and determination.

When he gives them a tender glance, his eyes may also soften, which would increase their attraction to him.

c = cum
(anything to do with cum, basically)

He would cum inside you. He doesn't see the reason to cum anywhere else outside of you.

d = dirty secret
(pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)

This isn't really a dirty secret but more of an fear he has.

His worry of falling short of people's expectations of him is one secret he might keep. In private, he could have uncertainty and self-doubt despite his seeming confidence and arrogance, particularly with regard to his ability as a Demon Slayer.

e = experience
(how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)

Inosuke does possess a certain level of awareness and understanding of his actions surprisingly.

Inosuke may seem like he's acting on pure instinct most of the time, he does possess a certain level of awareness and understanding of his actions and what it is that he is doing with his partner.

f = favorite position
(this goes without saying)

Positions that involve physical strength and endurance, such as those requiring lifting or fluid motion, might appeal to Inosuke.

Positions which promote intimate physical contact and closeness may also be pleasurable for him because they provide him the chance to show his affection in a more sensitive way.

g = goofy
(are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)

Inosuke's traits are frequently unusual and funny. He often speaks straight forwardly and bluntly, sometimes to the point of humor.

Inosuke has a kind and committed side underneath his tough demeanor, especially when it comes to his friends and allies.

He may exhibit a more laid-back and loving side when he's having some downtime or relaxation, joking about or bonding with people he can trust.

h = hair
(how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)

Considering his general untamed and wild appearance, it's likely that grooming in the traditional sense wouldn't be his top priority. His lack of grooming habits suggests that he leads a chaotic way of life, which may be reflected in his appearance.

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