Chapter 21: The second betrayal (2)

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"Ugh where is this place..."

The scent of the familiar wind that seems to always have an excessive amount of Electro energy wafted, the disgustingly familiar view of Inazuma appeared.

Tap tap tap tap


Something...rather...a puny kid just ran past me, making me look behind to see an old clan house.

'This place isn't even redeemable at this point.'

"Young master Kaedehara! Please don't run, you may fall!" A servant then also ran past me as they hurriedly chased after the 'young master'


As if a cold sweat had run through me, I then observed the near to collapsing clan...

'The Kaedehara clan... huh...'

But, as if the time had stopped to flow, my eyes landed towards the puny kid that passed by me previously.

There, inside the near to destruction clan house, I saw a familiar- if not a very familiar face.

'The.... Samurai...?' Small and frail...He looked like a runt compared to the Samurai that I am familiar with.

'That said, this is the samurai's memories huh...'

I then looked towards the illusory stars as I had no choice but to accept the 'fate' that befell upon me.

"Haha...another one of destiny's many jokes.... Kaedehara.... Kazuha..."








I don't know and didn't even bother to count how long I've spent in this forsaken place as I could only watch how the runt grew up.

Having no other choice but to constantly walk around this small excuse of a space, as there seemed to be a boundary around the falling clan house.

My boredom grew even wider as I can't even leave that boundary.

The runt can freely pass through the barrier leading to the outside and even the servants could, yet I could not.

"How absolutely irritating." Knitting my eyebrows into a furrow, I soon had no choice but to give up as I reasoned with myself.

'Doing something so futile further, would just be a waste of energy.' Coming to terms with my present situation, I then perched myself on a tree as I soon began to doze off.

Rustles and laughter were soon heard as I briefly opened my eyes to look.

Lo and behold, the little runt somehow managed to get on a tree.... and was about to make a blunder.

'You're gonna fall if you put your hand on that branch...' I then yawned due to the constant boredom I felt while staying at this near to destruction clan house.

But after I did, I soon noticed that the runt was about to fall from the tree he was climbing, thus making me sit up to observe a bit keener and my eyes weren't playing tricks.

The little runt was barely holding on to a branch that was soon to break.

'A human falling from this height may-!' Without being able to think further I soon found myself throwing a conjured air cushion towards the falling runt.

The air cushion seemed to have stopped the runt's fall....

'Haa... how troublesome...' I then quickly went back to lying down and soon sighed.

As I did, I felt like a huge burden was immediately lifted from my shoulders.

But it made me suddenly realize that I could somehow influence this space.

"It... really broke his fall...huh...? but isn't this supposed to be a memory...?"

A curious thought soon creeped from the depths of my mind but I refuse to acknowledge it as I then quickly pushed the very thought aside.

But as soon as I did, I felt a sudden wave of headache that kept getting stronger.

"Of course... nothing is ugh... done without haa.... consequences..."

My vision then grew blurry as I saw the rushing servants picking up the runt.

The panicking servants then hurriedly rushed the runt inside the clan house.

"Pfft... grow stronger runt...." As the words left my mouth the surroundings became silent as I fell into a deep slumber.






The blowing 'cold' air soon woke me from my deep sleep as the tree I was previously perched on was now shedding orange-red leaves...

"A Maple tree... huh..."

Another gust of wind blew as I shielded my eyes from the leaves that flew along with it.

"Young master are you training again today?" A servant soon walked towards the center of the courtyard, I then followed the servant's steps with my gaze and soon enough, I saw the runt...?

Wielding a sword although clumsily, the runt(?) Had a more stable breathing than any of the random Nobushi or Fatui I encountered.

"Ha! Hyeup! Ha! Huu.... Ah thank you for your hard work and yes that is so. I ought to get stronger as I would succeed the Kaedehara clan someday."

The runt(?) then greeted the servant with an annoyingly bright... smile.

"Of course young master, but please do take care to not push yourself too much." The servant then replied in a worried manner, that even I agree.

A runt(?) like him shouldn't even be wielding a sword yet.

"I will, thank you for your concerns"

All though the runt(?) was smiling his eyes were like that of the people at Tatarasuna whenever they wield their hammers and... whenever they make the swords that they so disgustingly obsessed and chat about.

I soon realized that in the blink of an eye, the runt had grown to be like the Samurai that I knew.

"Young master?! Are you alright??"

"Yes don't worry, I just feel under the weather I will be fine in no time....ugh..."

"Being sick isn't being 'fine' at all Young master!"

Yet he needs more training, I guess I'll call you a brat then.

Bitter Tea (Kazuha x Wanderer) Genshin FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now