Chapter 7: Vision (4)

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As the sun sets and the night steadily approach, we stumbled upon a cavern.

"This place is decent enough." My savior said as he manifested his Vision to inspect the cavern's height.

"Yes, it would be best to rest for the journey ahead may be rough" I reckoned as I sat down and lit a fire for the night will soon be cold.

"You rest on your own, I have no need for that."

Puzzled by his words, my curiosity urged me to clarify.

"But wouldn't it be rather difficult to travel if you so as not take even a bit of rest?"

"It's not that I don't want to rest, it's that I don't need to."

'The more I probe the less I perceive....' After some contemplation, I proceeded to inquire about the other question that has been in my mind for a while now.

"I see.... Then may I now inquire of whom the person you were pertaining to earlier?"

"Oh, you mean her..." With a look filled with melancholy he sat down near the fire right across from where I sat.

"Yes, if you so as to not mind briefing me"

He then turned away from me and stared at the dancing fire that was separating us.

"Many know of her as someone that is wise, a leader, the embodiment of wisdom itself or even... a God"

"...!" Noticing that I may have an inkling, my savior smirked devoid of the melancholy that once colored his figure and thus proceeded to his next sentence.

"Knowing her, she might have a solution to your problem" Finishing his statement he pointed to my hand, making my grip on the Vision tighter.



My senses warned me as I jolted awake. A loud sound was in the vicinity, yet was nowhere in sight.

I emptied my head, restricted my own sight and focused all my senses on my hearing, "...! Below"

A huge serpent like creature was circling me, it seems to be observing my every move before finally deciding to attack.

Swiftly, I ran far from its attempt.

As it also did, I observed and noticed that its body was that of a spiral that looks to be used for burrowing and getting by the sands faster.

"I see, you discern movements from the tumbling sands."

I scoured my surroundings for any advantage I could possibly use aside from the Vision on my person.

"Hmm, this might work" Quickly making use of my footwork, I lead the mysterious creature by the noose 

As it was about to collide towards the wall I was nearby, I took the opportunity to swiftly move away.

The mysterious creature in turn went straight towards the wall and disturbed the high above stalactites, causing it to fall.

"We apologize for invading your territory, this cavern was rather hospitable enough to protect ourselves from the cold night."

'Come to think of it, my savior is nowhere in sight...'

"I may have to bother you for a bit longer mysterious creature of the hot deserts."

Sitting down near the edge of the cavern, I turn towards the creature, it seemingly behaved and was busy circling the fallen stalactite.

As I was about to fall to a slumber again, I felt a familiar scent in the mellow gust.

Sitting up, I hurriedly went outside the cavern and saw the familiar figure clad in blue clothing.

"Let me help you with that... if you would allow me that is" I suggested after I saw my savior carrying large heaps of fruit, barely letting any of them spill.

"Ah you're finally awake, here." As he let go of the fruits, the Anemo particles were manipulated and in turn the fruits were all floating like leaves on a flowing stream.

"?" confused by this I showed a rather embarrassing expression.

"I found it on the way, humans need to eat everyday right?" He answered as he moved the fruits closer to me.

"But what about you...?"

"Just take it, I have no need for food" Flustered by the heaps of fruit stashed to my hands I quickly thought of an excuse to refuse but my savior seems to not take compromises.

"No need you say... the more I ask the more I'm rather left with questions..."

"Just don't ask then." My savior rebutted my confused allegation leaving me to just accept the fruits.

"I suppose so" I nodded in understanding for it is rude to pry on to others' affair.

"...If you want more of those, just get them from those cacti. These are called Henna berries." He said as he pointed towards one of the cacti bearing fruit to these so called Henna berries I have in my hands.

Due to my savior's thoughtfulness the rest of the fruits floated for my hands were already full.


AN: I apologize if the chapter is more on dialogue, tbh I got writer's block so please bear with me and the lack of descriptions on the story.

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