Chapter 8: Vision (5)

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As the samurai was fast asleep, the ascetic a bit further from where he lay was observing.

'... A rather familiar face, where have I seen it...' The ascetic thought as he slowly drifts to a slumber, although saying he needn't rest the weary mind disagrees.

The cold yet oddly warm night passed by quickly, the ascetic was then awoken by the rays of the sun seeping in the cavern.

"Ugh... what an unpleasant dream...." He complained as cold sweat dripped through his face.

To clear his perturbed mind, the ascetic went out at dawn as the first rays of the sun hit the shimmering sands of the crimson desert.

Soon he came across some cacti with Henna berries present, remembering that the samurai hadn't eaten... 'Something as fragile such as a human being would die of starvation.'

As he went back he saw the samurai leaving the cavern heading towards his direction, behind was a Wenut that is seemingly in a disorientated state.

"Let me help you with that... if you would allow me that is"

The samurai looked to have a brief moment of relief plastered on his face yet soon quickly smiled at the ascetic as if the worry was but a mere trick of the light.

"Ah you're finally awake, here." Noticing the change in the samurai's expression the ascetic almost answered a beat late as he manipulated the nearby Anemo particles to make the heaps of fruit afloat.

"?" The samurai looked confused as the ascetic shoved the heaps of fruit towards him, blocking his vision in turn, as the ascetic tried to withhold his laughter.

The samurai's confusion was rather funny to the ascetic but he needn't laugh for a puppet only needs to do as he is told...

Or so that was what he had in thought as it was merely to hold onto his peace of sanity so as to avoid laughing out loud.

Regaining his composure he then explained to the samurai. "I found it on the way, humans need to eat everyday right?"

"What about you...?" The samurai asked looking rather worried.

Although confused as the ascetic knows not of the reason why the samurai would have a need to show concern, the ascetic replied in a calm manner "Just take it, I have no need for food"

The samurai's expression turned from concern to fluster.

To the ascetic it seemed rather amusing to watch how this human can show various expressions despite having a calm demeanor.

"No need you say... the more I ask the more I'm rather left with questions..." The samurai had a small hint of sadness mixed into his contemplation.

"Just don't ask then." The ascetic reflexively retorted yet that didn't at all seem to bother the samurai.

"I suppose so" Nodded the samurai towards the ascetic's harsh retort.

The ascetic was puzzled as every time he talks to the samurai he remembers the dream or rather the forgotten memory of Teyvat.

The memory that he faced and the dream he so wanted to experience once more.

Yet only he remembers, for it will forever be just history.

"...If you want more of those, just get them from those cacti. These are called Henna berries." The ascetic thought that these are merely just some feelings that would soon come to pass.

Bitter Tea (Kazuha x Wanderer) Genshin FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now