9 - Love For Another Or No?

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If y'all read the last chapter, yk what I mean by this <3
3rd Person POV

Hot Rod noticed Soundwave standing near the entrance, and called him over, "Soundwave!"
The blue mech muttered an earthling curse word, then walked over to Hot Rod and sat down at the table he was sitting with, and this unfamiliar femme, who, mind you, pissed Soundwave off, though the mech was lying to himself.

"Soundwave, meet Marine Nova. Marine Nova, meet Soundwave." Hot Rod said. Soundwave stared blankly at this 'Marine Nova', but sighed in his helm. "Hello." Was all he'd said, then Marine Nova smiled, and simply said, "Hi."

Since Soundwave was Soundwave, he was sitting by Hot Rod, clenching the red mech's servo with his own, and Hot Rod mentally rolled his optics, NOT PHYSICALLY!

'Soundwave, try to act normal.' Hot Rod said through their bond, and Soundwave had realized that Hot Rod had felt hushed anger, or, what Soundwave would've not have called it, even if it were true, was jealousy.
'I—...I am.' Soundwave responded back, but got no answer back since Marine Nova had interrupted the on-going silence between the three, besides the other talking bots in MacCadam's.

"So, Hot Rod, what do you like to do?" Marine Nova asked, and Hot Rod rambled on and on and on about what he liked to do, but none said what he liked to, uh, you know, 'do' with Soundwave, heh—Anyways...

"•••aaaaaaaaand teasing the scrap out of Soundwave, which, by the way, pisses him off." Hot Rod chuckled, then Soundwave gave him a friendly (wth my suggestions for my keyboard said 'kiss'—) shove, his servo still holding Hot Rod's under the table.

"Hm, well, maybe I can take you driving sometime, just you and me?" Marine Nova asked, and this got Soundwave's energon boiling, but he made sure to block out his feelings so Hot Rod wouldn't have a clue—okay, maybe he'd seen suspicious about why Soundwave's feelings were blocked, but you couldn't blame Soundwave, could you?

"Sure! As a date? Not in a weird way, of course." Hot Rod quickly added awkwardly, and Soundwave tried his best not to burst into one thousand angry particles.

Was this mech.. jealous? 😏

"Yeah, sure." Marine Nova chuckled, and Hot Rod didn't notice it, but Soundwave did. She blushed. For Hot Rod. Oh, Soundwave was going to confront Hot Rod later, for sure he was.

After Soundwave cooled off a bit, he stopped blocking out his feelings and hesitated, but sent a message to Hot Rod in their bond.

'I'm going to the place you took me before. Meet me there when you're done with your friend.'

Soundwave had then gotten up and left, not giving a chance for Hot Rod to respond, and left MacCadam's, heading to the special place Hot Rod had always took Soundwave to, during the war.

(Look back a few chapters if you don't remember)

He sat down in the grass, (I have no idea if Cybertron has grass—) sighing but enjoyed the soft feeling. The feeling of fragging grass always soothed Soundwave, besides the other feeling with Hot Rod and—I'm saying too much, aren't I?

It felt like megacycles, but really only about 20 human minutes until Hot Rod arrived. By the time the red mech had arrived, Soundwave was now standing, looking at the bright, blue and pink mixed sky, and since no-bot was there besides him and Hot Rod, his battle mask was down, and from what Hot Rod could tell from Soundwave's face plate and emotions from the bond, Soundwave felt.. free.

"Soundwave, I'm here." Hot Rod said, walking towards the blue mech and leaning on his shoulder pad.

The blue mech stayed quiet, sighing mentally, and stayed still, not bothering to say a single word, nor open his intake.

Typical Soundwave, haha. Hot Rod thought, and not even one moment later did Soundwave just... hug him..? WHO IS THIS, AND WHAT DID YOU DO WITH SOUNDWAVE?!

"Soundwave—What? This isn't what you usually do around me, heh.." Hot Rod chuckled, a bit nervous that Soundwave might have been on high-grade, though the mech never really liked drinks such as those.

Soundwave: "What.. What do you think of her?"
Hot Rod: "Hm? Who?"
Soundwave: "Marine Nova."

Hot Rod's optics widened with shock, but he chuckled out loud, pushing Soundwave back just a little so he and Soundwave could make optic-contact. "As a friend. Why, are you.. jealous~?" Hot Rod said in his seductive tone, thigh it was really not necessary for that. Soundwave couldn't stand that time without blushing too much.
"I'm not..." Soundwave pouted, but he knew that was going to get him nowhere out of this conversation now.
"You sure?" Hot Rod said, raising an optic ridge. "From the sounds and looks of it, its clearly obvious you are~"

Again with that seductive tone! It made Soundwave all weird... ah, dang it, Hot Rod was teasing him, wasn't he?

"Just admit it. I won't be mad, blueberry." Hot Rod said with a face expression of '<3'.

Soundwave didn't say anything, just stared blankly with his optics focused on Hot Rod and his perfect torso...okay, this is getting a little weird now.

Honestly, Soundwave didn't know why he did it, but his dermas were just craving for it, and he kissed Hot Rod.
The red mech's optics widened, but closed, then he'd kissed back, leaning into Soundwave's chassis.

Soundwave asked for permission to enter, and Hot Rod had granted it, and the blue mech explored Hot Rod's intake, a small, soft, but surely able to hear moan came from Hot Rod's intake, and Soundwave had slipped his glossa out and broke the kiss.

Soundwave then leaned in toward one of Hot Rod's audials, and Hot Rod shivered gently.

Soundwave opened his intake and whispered in a sexy tone, "If Marine Nova says so much as 'I love you' to you, note that I'll make you have a second sparkling."

And Hot Rod turned blue. Boy, did he hate being dominated, but loved it too.. anyway, he just smacked Soundwave in the face plate, and earned a chuckle from the taller mech. "Soundwave!"

Teehee<3 also, MinkandDakota STAWP LOOKING AT MY FANFICS D:<

✅Superior // HOT ROD X SOUNDWAVE // CYBERVERSE AU✅Where stories live. Discover now